Sincerely Three

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Dear Evan Hansen,

Life without you has been rough. I miss talking about life, and, ya know, all of the other little things we used to talk about. I love Connor, but, since you left, he hasn't been very responsive. He started smoking again. I'm trying to get him to stop. I'm trying to be happier now. Remember that one time, a while ago, when you told me that I should be nicer to people? Well, I'm doing that.

Sincerely, Me

Dear Connor Murphy,

I miss our talks. I really just want you to talk to me again. Remember what Evan said when we all first got together? He said, "You should really stop smoking drugs." And then forced you to go on 'evening strolls.' I'm making a photo collection of his favorite trees, and I'm going to put it by his grave. He really had a lot of forest experience. I love you.

Sincerely, Me

I don't really know what this is, I just felt like venting about my dead friend at 2 in the morning.


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