Actually? -Sincerely Three

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Jared was scared.

For all of his life, he was told that once you locked eyes with your soulmate, your world would change. You would see in color.

Well, the first time he finally made eye contact with somebody other than his parents, that boy- Connor Murphy- turned out to be his soulmate.


It was confusing. He saw color, yes- but only in one eye. Maybe he was actually colorblind in the other? No, that wasn't very common.

So what the fuck was happening?

Maybe there was a glitch in the system.

No, actually, that was dumb. No way in hell there could be a break in the universe.

"So, uh, what in the actual fuck?" Connor asked, holding a hand over one of his eyes. Jared shrugged, bending over and picking up his glasses- the things that had protected him for all of those years- and sliding them back onto his face. "Jared, I think the world is broken."

"So it's like that for you too?" Jared asked, tilting his head. Connor nodded. Realization came over his face.

"Holy shit."


"Holy fucking shit."

"Just tell me already!"

"Jared, I think we have another soulmate." Jared's eyes widened. He didn't think he would even have a soulmate. There were a lot of people without soulmates. But having two?

"You've got to be shitting me." Jared groaned, holding his books to his chest. "You've actually got to be shitting me. Now do I have to go around pulling my glasses off and staring down every person I see?"

"No, that would be... Creepy. Who do you think could be our other soulmate? Who would we both do anything and everything f-"

"Connor, shut up, I know we're both hoping it's Evan." Connor laughed.

"Yeah, you're right. So, is now a good time to confess our feelings?"

"I'm mean, now that we're literally destined for each other, I would guess so."

"Okay, well, I love you."

"I love you too." Jared smiled a small smile, his face turning a light shade of red. "So, we both dig Evan too?"

"I guess."

"So do we stare him down now?"

"I guess." A wave of anxiety flooded over Jared. They were being too hopeful.

Although, if Connor was his soulmate, then maybe things were actually going for him.

"Speak of an angel." Connor mumbled, elbowing Jared. It was almost like a movie, both of them staring at Evan in awe as he walked down the hallway. The only thing that could make the scene any more cliche would be slow motion.

"Are- are you guys okay?" Evan asked, stopping in front of the two (practically drooling) boys. Connor quickly looked down. Jared made sure his glasses were still secure.

"We're fine!" Jared said quickly, straightening out his shirt. Evan shifted his weight, biting his lip.

"Are you sure?"

"Nope!" Jared sighed. "Hey, um... Do you... Do you like anybody?" Connor snorted.

"Yes? I think? But I don't know if I have a soulmate or n-"

"Yalright, fuck it." Jared huffed, taking off his glasses and looking directly into Evan's eyes. Jared smirked, watching Evan's face quickly turn to awe.

Jared's vision was now completely in color. The only colors he recognized were the ones on the greyscale, the rest were new, and vibrant. Evan's eyes were nice.

"Is there... Is there some type of malfunction or something?" Evan asked, his eyes wide. "Did this happen to you?"

"It did when my glasses fell and I accidentally looked at Connor." Connor looked up at the mention of his name.

"Did you...?"


"I don't understand," Evan said, a look of confusion plastered onto his face.

"Well first, we have to make sure..." Jared said, sideways glancing at Connor. "Connor, just look."

Connor slowly brought his eyes up to Evan's. Almost immediately, the left side of his world bursted into color. Evan just looked even more confused.

"What the...?"

"Evan Hansen, it turns out that all of us are soulmates." Jared grinned.

"The universe is polyromantic!" Connor laughed, pumping his fist into the air. "So, um... Do you guys... Do you want to be a thing?"

"If Evan wants to be." Jared stated, chewing his lip.

"Is this... You guys aren't kidding? You... We're actually soulmates? And you don't want to throw up at the idea of ever dating me?"

"Evan, I've been pining over both of you for years." Jared mumbled, looking down. "Why would I throw up? I would get to love both of you. And it wouldn't be weird!"

"I can...oddly... relate." Connor said, nervously tapping his fingers on the  sides of his thighs. Evan smiled, tears coming to his eyes.

"And you... You both really love me? And you really love each other? And we're actually going to be together? And in love? And we'll cuddle and laugh and watch movies and do other throupley shit?" Jared laughed, nodding. Evan smiled even wider, throwing his arms around the two. "Pinch me, I think I'm fucking dreaming, fuck yes we can be a thing!"

And now they were all crying, their happy tears puddling on their clothes and collecting on the floor, but none of them cared. They were with the people they loved, and they were ecstatic about it.

"Holy shit, I love you guys so much," Evan exclaimed, still in utter disbelief.

"Move along, boys. You'll all be late to class if you don't hurry your butts up."  The three separated, mildly upset to have to let go so soon.

"Nooooo, I wanna cuddle..." Jared whined, as they began to walk back to class.

"There's three periods left of school, Jared." Connor retorted, grinning.

"That's too lonnngggg."

"No. Bad Jared." Evan laughed, ruffling Jared's hair.

"What's so bad about wanting to endlessly hug my beautiful boyfriends?"

"We can cuddle after school, Jared."

"Fine." Jared grumbled, walking into the classroom and dropping his books onto his desk and taking his seat. Evan was in front of him, and Connor was sitting on his left. "Evviee, can I at least hold your hand?" Evan blushed, dropping his right hand next to him. Jared smiled, reaching over his desk and intertwining their fingers. Connor took Jared, other hand, squeezing it tightly. "Shit. How am I supposed to write?" Jared whisper-yelled, biting his lip. Connor and Evan (who were both left handed) laughed. "I hate you."

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