Sincerely Three Headcanons!!

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-Jared is an amazing hugger. Like, literally, he has fucking hugging super powers. Nobody EVER passes up hugs from Jared.

-Connor has a Wrangler (A kind of Jeep)

-Connor and Jared's nicknames for each other are just their first anitials.

-Evan and Jared like hugging each other's arms.

-Jared has recurring nightmares, and unless he's with Evan and/or Connor, he's usually too scared to go to sleep.

-Their dates normally consist of sitting on the couch re-watching movies, since Evan doesn't like eating in front of people, and they don't have a lot of other things to do. Sometimes Jared takes them bowling.

-Jared is taller than Evan

-Jared likes to sew

-Evan and Connor are both excellent artists (Evan doesn't really draw too often), and Jared can't even draw a rock.

-Jared is afraid of the dark, but only when it's pitch-black. He's also afraid of storms.

-Jared and Connor don't really show a lot of affection towards each other too often, and sometimes Evan gets scared that they aren't in love. In reality, they would do anything for each other.

-I have this amazing, perfect house set up for them in my head, and I have so many headcanons that go with them just living in the house that it's scary. You've probably already seen a bunch of them in this book already. The first map that I drew was colorful and shit, but ain't nobody got time for that, so here's the one I currently have:

 The first map that I drew was colorful and shit, but ain't nobody got time for that, so here's the one I currently have:

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-Evan has a specific corner in his room that he goes into whenever he feels upset. He curls up into a ball and does whatever he has to. Connor and Jared hate this, and often come home to him freaking out in his corner, and sometimes they lock him out.

-Connor doesn't really let anybody go into his room. He paints flowers on the walls whenever he gets bored, so there's always paint lying around. He brings Evan in there sometimes if something really bad happens.

-Jared always keeps his room super neat. Sometimes he has mini-breakdowns and switches up everything in the room to feel like he has control over something.

-Jared has ADHD and some sort of lowkey anxiety disorder. He carries his medication around with him, and takes it when nobody is looking.

-The colors of the house are... Different. Jared's walls are a bright yellow, and he has a bright red carpet. Evan has blue walls and a white carpet. Connor has black walls and a black carpet. The rest of the house hss lime-green walls and a white carpet.

-Evan doesn't drink because he hates hangovers.

-Jared only drinks when he's very, very stressed, and he normally locks himself in his room when he does. Connor and Evan hate seeing Jared drunk, because they love Jared, and he isn't himself when he's drunk.

-Connor smokes pot every once in a while, but only when he's the only one home. He doesn't like cigarrettes and he doesn't drink.

-Jared loves the scent of Lemon. He has an essential oil defuser in his room, and he's always blasting those lemon scents.

-I never write this, but Connor likes reptiles. He has a ball python in his room. Evan loves her, but Jared sometimes gets scared that she'll chomp on him while he's sleeping.

-Sometimes, when he's stressed, Jared walks into his room, shuts the door, sits on his bed, and just screams at himself. Evan and Connor feel bad, but leave him alone while he's doing this.

-Jared still has a stuffed animal cat that Evan gave him in the third grade. He named it Sniffles, and he has it hidden in his closet. If he ever goes to far-away places without Evan, he brings it with him (hidden, of course) and cuddles it whenever he can.

-Jared is obsessed with high-top converse, and he has a bunch of them. He wears a different pair almost every day. paytons04 came up with a headcanon that he wears separate colors to spite Evan, and I completely agree with this as well.

-Jared has really bad separation anxiety from Evan. He loves Connor equally, obviously, but when he's long distances from Evan, he goes into full on panic mode.

-Evan likes horror movies a lot. People don't really take him as the type, but he loves them.

-Even though he likes horror movies, Evan doesn't like haunted houses. He feels like the actors feel like he's staring at them, and the thought of making anybody uncomfortable makes Evan uncomfortable. He also thinks that they're secretly judging him.

-Zoe comes to visit the house a lot. Connor makes her sleep on the couch.

-Jared works as a barista at the coffee shop down the street.

-Connor and Evan managed to both get jobs at a CVS fifteen minutes away. They have a completely different shift than Jared, so they call him whenever they can.

I have a lot more, but this is all I can think of for now. I might make a part two?

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