The Day The Sky Fell On My Head

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It probably would have been easier if we drifted apart, and it would only happen in nightmares, but in our case, Osaka suddenly disappeared one fine Tuesday morning. That was when I opened my door and found a bouquet of flowers, a gift-wrapped box and a small envelop.

I wouldn't have guessed who it was for and who it was from, if I hadn't looked at the envelop. When I picked up the envelop attached to the box, I immediately recognized his handwriting. I had a sense of foreboding when I opened the envelop. I stopped in the middle, because even though everything looked so fine - the flowers and all - but I had this sense that something was very wrong.

Osaka usually picked me up in his car for school, but these past three weeks, that task had been taken over by Ben. I was careful to study Osaka's expression when Ben first offered to pick me up. I didn't want Osaka to think he was replaced now that Ben had returned into my life; afterall, Osaka meant everything to me. No other person had done anything so unselfishly for another than Osaka. Not even Ben's involvement back in my life was anything compared to that of Osaka's. Do not misunderstand me, I had no other feelings than awe and appreciation for Ben's expression of love and care, but I had not felt more accepted, embraced, cared for and loved by any one than how Osaka made me feel. His pure excitement in making me happy was evident all through out our relationship since we encountered each other.

His demeanor showed that of excitement and warmth when I asked whether it was okay if Ben picked me up in the morning. His enveloped in his loving embrace as he gave his consent. He said he was happy for whatever made me happy and I felt the sincerity in his voice as he said that. Osaka did not withdraw from my life now that Ben was ever more present. He simply allowed me to have more time with Ben, but at the same time, was still very keeping in touch with me. He acted normal around me and we spent a lot of quality time together from simply just cuddling in either one of our beds or spending time with me in some afternoons after school at the places we often frequented. He would ask my how my time spent with Ben and he looked so happy when I told me that the things that had happened between Ben and I.

So, holding and half-opening the envelope in my hand, I felt a sense of trepidation. When I read the first sentence, that was when everything went black. I didn't know what became of me after I dropped everything in my hands and fell down. As I was losing consciouness, what I read was reeling in my head.

"Hi Aspen, I just want to say good bye; I am sorry I had to do it this way, but I have my reason."

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