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     "Tyler" I whisper pushing his shoulder. "I'll be back later. Im taking them to the airport"
"What?" His says in his groggy voice. "I thought they weren't leaving until tonight"
They were supposed to but it got switched.
"Changed it.  I'll be back. Night. I'll bring you back something on the way home." We give each other a kiss and I go out to tell them I'm ready.
It's 7 in the morning and their flight doesn't take off til 10 but we were thinking it would be busy since it's the day after thanksgiving.
It's Monday, 7am, the highways are full of traffic. It takes almost an hour before we arrive at the airport.  When we get there, I pull over to the drop off area and help them get their suitcases out.
"I like Tyler. He seems great. I wanted to tell you that Ellie.  Tell him I said goodbye and thanks for letting us stay at his place, well both of yours." My mom tells me. All I do is give her smile because it means a lot that she likes him. "I love you Ellie, I'll see you when? Christmas? Coming back home right? That's the plan?"
"Sure Is momma. Love you too. See you then" she pulls me into a huge hug. I look over at David who got stuck carrying all of the suitcases and bags. I try to give him a little hug but didn't work out.
"It was nice to meet you David.  Thanks for coming. Mom- text me when you guys land!"

They go into the airport and I start my way back home.
First, when I get close to the apartment, I stop at Starbucks. I just get 2 vanilla iced coffees, cake pops, a breakfast sandwich for Tyler and chocolate croissants for me since I'm obsessed with them and not the healthiest. I'm the one who will never be on a diet but eat healthy foods once in a while and say that I'm on a diet, trying to be healthy. That'll never happen. I love salads, smoothies, and fruit so don't I sound like I'm a healthy person?  Yes.

     When I get home, Tyler's still not awake. I understand why because its not even 10 o clock yet. I eat and drink my Starbucks then go back to sleep for a little while on the couch.

For the rest of the day, we just hung out, slept, watched Netflix, and baked some cookies just for fun because we were bored.


Today's the day for my appointment with my OB/GYN. Lacey is on her way to pick me up and I feel horrible not telling Tyler. I told him that it was a doctors appointment for Lacey and she needed me to watch the kids while she was in the room so they don't bother the doctor or anything like that. He believed me of course because I've done it before with Jennifer. I'd never want someone to lie to me about this if I was a man but he has to understand why I'm not saying anything. I'm scared, nervous, anxious, I'm feeling every feeling there is. I'm even lying to my mom.

Around 8:45, I get a text from Lacey saying that she's out front. I lock the door behind me and head out not even telling Tyler I'm leaving. I'm just hoping he remembered where I was going today.

I get in the car and the first thing she asks me is how am I doing. Well what do you think?
"What do you think Lace? I'm pregnant as far as that test told us and I'm keeping it a secret. I have so many feelings that's going through my mind. I have no idea what to do. How do you think I am?"
"I get it. But everything's going to be fine. You don't have to tell him right away. You don't have to tell anyone right now. After this doctors appointment, whatever happens, take your time to process and tell him whenever you feel comfortable." She says trying to calm me down. She's been through this worse than me so I don't feel anything as close as Lacey has.
She had her first kid at 19 years old with a guy who she didn't even know well. They've known each other for about a month, had sex, got pregnant and she had the kid by herself. Her mom wasn't around, no one. Not even the 'father' because he straight up left, moved and soon found out he was in prison for drugs and had a gun. At 24, she got her life together and her and Blake met then, started dating, got married and he's raising her daughter together even though that's not even his kid. She's 27 now and living her best life.

"Ellie Smith" the lady from the desk calls out. I stand up, "You can follow me to the back here" I look back at Lacey and beg her to come back with me like she's my mom.
"So What brings you in today?" The lady asks.
"Well, she thinks I'm pregnant." I say looking over at Lacey.
The nurse just laughs and says 'she?' "Okay then. Do YOU think you can be?" She emphasizes on the 'you'. I shrug my shoulders.
"If you would, take this, go to the bathroom and pee on that. When you are done just put it on the counter, there's a container for it and come back out when you are finished. Don't flush the toilet when you're done." She tells me the instructions. She leaves the room and I do exactly what she informs me to. I open up the door when I'm done so she knows to come back in.
"Good job. While we wait for this to set, I'm going to have you sit on this table for me and pull up your shirt so we can do an ultrasound. This jelly will be a little cold." She says before she puts it on.
It's all quiet while she's looking around on my stomach on the screen. I didn't obviously go to school to learn how to read what's on that computer so I'm just looking at nothing, just looks like a black screen to me. She still doesn't say anything and turns off the monitor, wipes off my stomach and heads in to the bathroom with her gloves on and comes back out not a second later.
"Okay Ellie, are you ready to hear of you're going to be a mom or not?" My heart start to face, "ugh- just say it."
"Con..gradulations...! You're going to be a mom!" Those words I would never think I would hear. Wow. I have no words right now I'm probably scaring everyone because they don't know what's going through my mind.
"You are 5 weeks along. Here are some pamphlets on some things since you'll be a new mother, here are some photos I printed out even though the baby right now is literally a dot and you can't tell what it is, and we need to schedule your next appointment with me!"

I schedule my next appointment and we go back to Lacey's car. Silent. I still have no words, I don't know what to think. I stare down at the ultrasound pictures in my hand confused and anxious to see what's going to be coming for me in the future. I'm also very scared. Now, I have to tell Tyler soon. I just don't know how.
"Are you Okay Ellie? You haven't said anything. Are you happy?"
"I'm fine. I just.. I just. I don't know. I mean sure I'm happy I love babies but my own? I'm not too sure about that. I'm so scared."
"Don't be" She says putting the car in park. I look up and we're in front of the apartment already.
"Can you hang on to these? I don't have my purse and I just can't carry them in my hands through the door" I hand her the stuff the obgyn gave me.
"Sure. Love you, everything's going to be good! You're going to be a great momma. A hot young cool momma say the least. Tyler's going to be ecstatic when you finally tell him. Text me if you need anything."

I head up to the apartment kind of stunned with everything's that happened in these few days.
I have to keep it quiet for a little longer. I don't know how I'm going to tell him. Or my mom. Or brother. Or anyone yet. I can't keep it in from everyone so I shoot Jamie a text.

To JBenny- I'm pregnant. Please don't tell Tyler.

Why can't I just come out to Tyler like I just texted Jamie.
< Ellie, you aren't serious. You guys played this prank on me before.
> Jamie. I'm serious. Swear on life.
Double wrist cross back hand pinky swear.
< what do you mean not tell him?? He Doesn't know? How long are you? When did you find out?
I texted Jamie because I knew he wouldn't say anything to anyone. He thought I was pulling another prank but when I did our 'I swear' handshake, he knew it was for real.
> I took a test Saturday. 2 of them. Both positive saying pregnant. I went to a baby doc today, she confirmed it. 5 wks. I don't know how to do this. I'm scared, nervous. Will Tyler kick me out?? So many things going through my head.
< congratulations. I'm happy for you guys. I understand that you haven't told him yet. I understand you're scared but he really does love you El, he's going to be scared too at first but you'll turn into the best parents. He'll do anything for you. Just no matter if you have a boy or girl, name it Jamie please. It deserves that legacy. I'll be back Thursday. Text me if you need anything. I love you girl, everything is going to be fine, everything happens for a reason.

Tomorrow. I'll tell him tomorrow.

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