Chapter 3: Stop groaning so much, you sound like you're having an orgy

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Mamma Mia meet the Familia!


Aliana arrived home late. Her clothes were creased and the cold showers of typical British weather had her shivering in her damp Chanel coat as she hurried to the warm kitchen.

Aliana's mother had been preparing a feast for her older brothers arrival-the clever one of the family.

The sight of his childhood drawing (a time when Aliana did not exist) had her rolling her eyes and sticking her tongue out at the thing. A few years later he had picked up a red pencil and added a disturbing image of a clown (made to be her) on the far side of the sheet, labelling it as 'house pet'.

They do say that the first ones are usually the mistakes. Or was it the second?

Either way, Aliana knew she'd been a mistake, it was practically a miracle she could even tolerate her brothers existence, never mind her own.

Walking into the kitchen whilst simultaneously ringing out her damp, brown hair made her gorgeous mother take out a broom stick and smack her on the backside.

"Jesus Christ, Mother!" She screamed, glaring at her mother in shock, wincing as she rubbed her gluteus maximus.

The blonde woman merely shrugged and turned back to setting up the salad, broomstick still intact. "I don't want your hair in all the food, you filthy animal, go take a shower. I can smell your failure all the way here."

Aliana gaped at her mother, letting out a choking sound.

"Oh stop looking at me like that. I got a call from your headmaster again." Oh Curry, you little snake.

Had that fridge always been there?

"Yes it has dumbass, stop ignoring me," her mother answered.

"Mum! What is wrong with you?" Her mother's use of swearing had her a little worried.

"Wrong with me? The question should be what's wrong with you? COPD, honestly and I thought your old man was bad at lying," she scoffed.

"Dad is bad at lying—he's the one that gave me the stupid trait." Aliana grumbled, picking up an apple from the fruit basket.


As if Aliana would go near a fruit basket willingly.

She picked up a few fries set on a white plate, ignoring her mothers muttering as she slapped her hand with the broomstick. Again.

"Ow! Stop that would you."

"Ow! Stop that would you." Her Mother mimicked, giggling under her breath.

"Mum, I think you've lost it."

"My will to live? I lost that centuries ago honey,"

Aliana frowned. "That's my line." Then she went to the fridge to pull out a bottle of orange juice. What she saw next made her groan.

"Please don't tell me Kaden's already here?" She trudged back over to the white, marble island and slumped down on a stool. He had already taken ownership of her favourite food items by placing sticky notes on them labelled in scruffy handwriting: Kade's shit—I dare you sissy.

"Geez sissy, feeling the love." Aliana ducked her head and groaned even more upon hearing that stupid nickname when her brother entered the kitchen shirtless.

"You groan an awful lot. Stop, it sounds like you're having an orgy."

"Mum!?" She shrieked in shock. Her brother did not just say that.

Her mother shrugged, kissing him on the cheek before handing him a plate of fries. Kaden sent her a shit eating grin, pointedly making a show of his extra chips.

"He's not lying." Great, it was going to be like that now.

Aliana groaned again making Kaden send her another smirk as he proceeded to swallow a handful of fries, his silver lip ring glinting in the light.

She sighed sadly, how did her brother eat like a starved lion and still maintain an immaculate physique?

Aliana looked down at herself. Good thing she owned Chanel or else she wouldn't have many friends.

"So sissy, did you miss me?" Kaden asked, sending her an evil wink. That son of a bitch.

"Of course I did Kadey, so much." She played along, giggling innocently showing him a rude gesture.

"Aww, I knew it. You love me too much to send me to a mental asylum,"

"The school of yours was an asylum in itself. No wonder you're a bit too happy to be back." She brushed off her stool and placed the unopened orange juice back in the fridge.

"I can smell the jealousy radiating off of you Aliana."

She sent him another saccharine smile and flipped him off. Her mother totally unaware of her crude behaviour in the kitchen.

"What is with all you people and your sensitive noses." She walked to the exit of the kitchen and looked back at Kaden. "You can shove yours up your ass."

He bellowed loud enough for a passing cleaner to jump slightly.

"I missed you too sis."

Aliana grinned as she walked upstairs. Maybe, just maybe she had missed his stupid self as well.


Aaaahhh! So I see you've met the fam-most of them anyway.

I kept this chapter short because I'm going to split it into two parts so you guys can meet everyone (including her dad). This is literally an exact representation of my life. My brother literally basks in the attention of my mother even if he's an asshole.

Again, siblings amirite?

I hope you guys enjoyed this little snippet of Aliana's life, things are about to get a little more interesting towards the future-let's hope you survive until then.

See you laters alligators...

From your grinning author

F. Valli

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