Chapter 30: A ten and two fours

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And finally (after much delay) I present...


"I'm gonna do it,"


"I'm going to make things right with Theo,"


"I'm serious!"

"Well hi there serious, I'm Maddox,"

Aliana slapped the boy on his head. They were back in her house, putting plasters all over Maddox's face and arms. The cat did a fucking solid one on him.

"Dude, you're not even a dad,"

"Who said dad jokes were only limited to dads?"

She sent him an incredulous look. "The internet,"

"Well I think it's all bullshit. We all deserve to speak, and have...what's that thing called? Another word for freedom?"

"Why don't you just say freedom?"

"No no, that would make me look less intellectual and the author is kinda up my ass on this one,"

They both looked up seeing nothing but white.

"Do you think she can see us?" Maddox whispered.

Aliana shrugged. "I have no fucking clue. Quick, make a face or some shit, she could be watching us right now,"

Maddox puffed up his face and crossed his eyes.

"Sike, now you just look like an idiot,"

"Babe, he looks like one everyday," Maeve smirked walking into Aliana's room wearing one of Kaden's large hoodies.

"Oh but dear cousin, we both look familiar so that means you're an idiot as well,"

"You're shirt is back to front,"

Maddox clicked his tongue against his teeth and checked hastily, she was right. Perhaps getting dressed in the dark wasn't a good idea.

Spontaneous? Yes. Clever? Nada.

"I was at sleeping over at a...friends house," he muttered, refusing to meet his cousins gaze.

Maeve smirked knowingly and braced her hands on her hips. "And which friend is this?"

"Uh, you know. The one with, the one know," he scratched the back of his head and blushed.

"I don't think I've met someone called 'The one' is it a he, or a she?"

"Fuck, I slept over at this girl's house. Her name was Meghan or some shit, I dunno," Maeve jumped onto Aliana's bed next to him and whacked his shoulder.

"Ow! Why'd you do that for?" He whined, rubbing his shoulder.

"Because you have no respect for women, you can't even remember her name,"

"Hey! I respect women. I'm mum's favourite child okay? And you don't get that title for nothing. Plus I treat all you guys so nicely,"

"You just called us guys,"

"I didn't mean it like that!"

Aliana put the plasters away and climbed onto the bed, joining the other two who were bickering like children.

"Guys, can you have this argument later. I want to tell you something important,"

Maddox sighed, and slumped against the headboard. "Why do you always have to talk? I want to talk now. My turn okay, you always have to tell us something,"

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