Chapter 13: Esme's one trip visit to Satan's Waterfall

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I have writers block, help!



"Yes, Stella darling,"

"Wanna go watch the football match with me?" Aliana looked up from her phone, where she was internally dying at all the memes Emmy Cook, a friend from high school, kept sending her. She snickered at a post, sent a text to Emmy, saying that she'd shag her later, and put down her phone.

"Hmm, do I willingly want to go see sweaty boys chasing a ball?" She put her index finger on her lip and pretended to think. "Yeah, nope."

Then she began playing Candy Crush on her phone.

Level 981 Bitches!

"Did you just say sweaty lads?" Maeve quipped from behind Esme, she was ordered by Esme to massage her shoulders because she was on her period and it hurt.

Maeve rejected the offer-of course, that was until Esme looked into her eyes and began wailing like a crybaby, blubbering nonsense about how much pain she was going through and how her boobs felt like they were being stabbed. The list went on for another five minutes.

Maeve being the very nice (guilty) friend, begrudgingly got up to massage Esme's shoulders and the latter mentioned stopped her drama and carried on eating her Kinder chocolate bar, no sign of distress on her dry face.

"Count me in," Maeve smiled, giving a high five to Stella who cheered. "I mean, come on Aliana. Would you miss the chance to checkout Lucas's round ass in some football shorts? Hell no. The boy is the only good thing this College has. Let's go."

She sprinted away from Esme, who looked like she was about to kill someone, and ran out the dining hall, bag in tow.

Aliana sighed and stood up, resisting the urge to pull out a wedgie and made a face.

"Lucas my ass." She grumbled under her breath, hitching up her backpack and following after Maeve with Esme and Stella, who was grinning at her.

"You mean, Lucas's fine ass," Stella laughed once they made it to the field behind the building.

Maeve waved them over, near the fence where she was talking to Maddox and Elliot as George warmed up a few feet away.

"The weather's crap," Esme stated as they made there way down the rows of plastic seats. "It looks like it's gonna rain,"

Aliana groaned. "Why did I have to come?"

"No one forced you, y'know." Stella shrugged. "We all know you're a thirsty hoe dying to check Lucas out too," Stella said, applying a coat of lipgloss on her lips.

Aliana stared at her for a few seconds with a straight face before she grinned. "Damn right I am."

And soon the girls, who had sat down and joined the others, began stalking the pitch to find a certain black haired, shag-worthy, charmer who most of the other students came to gawk at too.

"Hi, hello, drooling ladies. Yes, thanks for coming to support your best friends, we feel so loved," Elliot said, pulling them all out of there dreamy dazes.

Stella scowled at him.

"Oi, move your tiny ass out the way, we wanna see some real men. Not some whiny sod." Esme grunted, moving to the side in order to see past Elliots frame.

The poor boy winced and Aliana mouthed him a "Satans waterfall" to which he nodded his head, eyes wide in understanding and backed away fully with his hands up.

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