Chapter 8: Jack deserved better *wailing in the distance*

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Awkward conversations always make you question your existence.


Isaac gave Aliana a cute, dimpled smile and she nervously smiled back. During this time of silence she listed out the top three things the girls had taught her when conversing with the opposite gender.

Step one: Ask about there health.

"So, how are you?" Aliana wanted to run as fast as she could from the awkward tension they were surrounded in. It didn't help that she could hear George giving Elliot pointers on how not to end up like herself and Isaac.

"I'm good, how are you Aliana?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

"I'm ecstatic." Somebody shoot her-now.

Aliana sounded like a sarcastic mother of four, who had just survived a grocery store trip with all of her kids (who threw tantrums like it was their second language).

"You look lovely Aliana, who knew you could pull off an outfit like this," he gestured at her clothes.

...Okay, now someone kill him. He managed to compliment and insult her at the same time.

Again, she heard some loud "ooooh's" from across the room. Friends are just so helpful.

Step two: compliment the guy back (if he did so to you first), yet Aliana had a stronger urge to knock his lights out.

"You clean up nice yourself Isaac, want a drink." She couldn't bare to carry on this conversation longer without some sort of intoxicant.

Without waiting, she practically lunged for the bar and grabbed a big bottle of some more questionable looking liquid and chugged.

That raised a few catcalls and wolf whistles, mainly from her squad.

"Woah, going a bit too fast there aren't you, Aliana?" Isaac took a cautious step towards her and smiled gingerly at the bottle she kept chugging until all of its remnants were gone. 

Aliana suddenly felt dizzy and instead of collapsing on Isaac she leaned against the bar and gave him a big fat grin. "I'm feeling a dance coming on, wanna dance." completely ignoring his question.

Although she didn't wait for the guy to ask, Aliana walked to the dance floor grinning in all her Step three glory: however this time, she asked the boy to dance first.


And soon Aliana was whisked away between hot, sweaty bodies and hormonal teenagers who drunkenly cheered her on.

Now this wasn't the part where she started some sort of seance or a drunken fan group who would surround her, to which she would bust out some Michael Jackson moves and all would be well-nope.

This was the part Aliana was very likely going to puke up on Isaac, and her friends would scatter from the kitchen finding shit to carry the contents of her stomach in, whilst simultaneously warding off a disgusted Isaac who would leave the party half drunk and utterly confused.

And the part where Theo would come to the rescue.

"Careful little Mary, we're getting you to your Manger now," Aliana would've laughed had she not been concentrating to keep herself from projecting  todays lunch again.

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