Chapter 18: Heed the great words of Hannah Montana!

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My life is going 100 WTF's per hour.


School was full of shit.

The students- shit.

The teachers-(to a certain extent) shit.

Working with Marcus The Molester-@&£#%$$!? HORSE SHIT!

"Stop ogling my boobs with your eyes pervert, and hurry up with the next slide." Aliana had just about had it with the snotty brat. He was so busy gawking at her that she had to do nearly all the work while he fantasied about her bosoms.

His name was so underrated.

Marcus shook his head, uncut brown hair nearly whacking Aliana in the face. She winced and moved back further into her chair slapping the tiny dust particles away which she knew was dandruff and held back a gag.

"I'll only do the work if you show me something of yours,"

Aliana was so ready to bitch slap him-pity they were working in the library and the librarians glared at her if she even breathed in their direction.

Aliana sat ignoring him, glancing desperately at the clock. "Marcus, hurry the fuck up. It's nearly lunch time."

The guy scoffed, forcing himself to look away from her and began typing like a freak on the computer.

"Sorted." Aliana paused, she looked up from where she started to pack her bag and saw Marcus, in his paedophilic glory checking out her backside.

"What do you mean you're 'sorted'? It's literally been five seconds," she whispered furiously, Mrs. Raisin peeped over her computer and sent her a scrutinised look. Aliana slid down in her chair.

Marcus grinned like a nonce. "I already had the work done. But I was so preoccupied with something else that it totally slipped my mind." Aliana was red. "Oh well. Now send me some nudes and I'll do the rest."

Her jaw fell. "I think the fuck not," Aliana glared at him, rushing out of her chair and speed walked out of the library. The leech followed shortly behind and as soon as they were out the double doors, Marcus tugged her backpack hard so she faced him.

"Why not? Make sure you wear something nice," He whispered. "And revealing."

Aliana was going to puke. Boys were absolute trash.

"Y-you get away from me, right now...or-or I-"

Marcus grinned. "Or you'll what?" He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her. "I'll give you the rest of the work if you send me a few pics, no biggie. Plus Jury will have your head if the works not done, and with your current progress I don't think she'll be too happy with you. You do want to get high UCAS grades, don't you?"

Aliana couldn't believe the nerve of this rat. He was threatening her like she was his whore. "Go fuck yourself Marcus." She spat.

He shifted stepping closer to her, Aliana practically leaped backwards. "You could do that for me,"

"Your sixteen, where the fuck do you get this shit from?" She asked exasperated.


"Back the fuck away from her, Ted Bundy!" Bellowed Maddox. He was walking towards both of them, George and Eli in tow wearing furious expression that made Marcus the Molester piss his pants. Aliana clicked her tongue in disgust at the awful growing dark stain on his jeans.


He took a giant step away from her, surrendering his hands. "It's all cool man," he said calmly, palms shaking.

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