Chapter 17: Acting skills better than DiCaprio's

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When your friends eat dinner at your house with your parents and don't invite you-that's real friendship, right there.


Aliana had never felt so good to be home. The feeling of fresh sheets (courtesy of her mother) made Aliana nearly pass out into a welcoming sleep.

But, like always, something else was in store.

"How was it? Did you kiss? Did he give you a good time? What about his sister, who is she? Where did she come from? Where did she go?" Stella was quick to jump onto her bed at half past one in the morning.

Aliana groaned at the weight and pushed her off, making Stella land with a light oomph onto the carpet. "Where the hell did you come from, cotton eyed joe?"

"Well we had dinner with the Rents and decided that we too, now live here." Explained Maeve, casually walking into the room with a bowl of popcorn.

Aliana wasn't surprised about that, what she was surprised about was the oversized hoodie Maeve adorned, that had Kaden's University logo on the front. "Is that my brother's?"

The question made Maeve stumble a little,
dropping some popcorn on the floor, but Esme, who Aliana hadn't realised was lying down on the floor, caught them in her mouth and shouted in triumph when not one landed on the carpet. "Shcore!" Came her muffled cry and Esme began to choke, spluttering kernels everywhere.

Aliana winced, glancing down at her littered carpet.

"Why are you guys so hyper?!" Aliana sighed frustratedly as Stella jumped back onto her bed and Maeve helped a red faced Esme off the floor. The latter flopped onto Aliana's chair, whilst Maeve sat down, crossed legged, next to Stella-who now resembled Marcus the Molester's paedophilic grin.

Aliana smacked her face.

"Stop violating me!" Stella cried, rubbing her wounded face. Aliana, being a great friend, ignored her and stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

Maeve clapped her hands together. "Come on then, spill the tea sis,"

Aliana scoffed. "There's no tea to spill." All three girl groaned collectively.

But then Esme was first to respond. "That's fine. We weren't dying to know anyway."

Reverse fucking psychology.

Aliana narrowed her eyes at them and frowned. "Fine I'll tell you."

The girls simply ignored her. Stella even go so far to hum baby shark; both Maeve and Esme began doing the hand actions and sang along.

"Baby shark do do do do do doo," They yelled making Aliana cover her face with her hands.

"Mommy shark do do do do do doo!" They bellowed. Her parents weren't even going to hear as they lived three fucking levels below her.

"Aliana kissed Theo do do do do do dooooo..." Stella was an unusual kid this early in the morning.

Maeve let out a dejected sigh when Aliana wasn't talking and flopped onto the bed, the popcorn bowl balancing on her stomach.

"Guys I'm going to pass out," She moaned, dramatically. Esme rushed to her aid and moved aside the bowl, not before stuffing a few of them down her throat and Stella let out a very very very non-obvious gasp.

"No, Maeve stay with us," Esme cried, stroking the latters hair away from her face. Maeve gave out a very failed wail-almost bursting out in laughter.

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