Chapter 35: Hire a cousin today

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Kinda wanna drop of out College and become a sugar baby x


"You stupid,"

"No I'm not,"

"What's nine plus ten?"

"...twenty one."

Elliot slapped Aliana against the back of her head before grinning into a bite of his sandwich. The idiot yelped and frowned at him before she too, dug into her chicken tikka baguette.

The squad were currently residing in the canteen, back to the stupid routine of school, eating away their depression and lack of sleep.

Truth be told, binge eating just hits different.

Maeve, who looked like she'd just got run over by a bus (one could only dream) glared at her Chemistry homework which was due next period.

"Nah bro, fuck it. I'm just going to fail this one," she said through a mouthful full of chocolate, almost choking on it.

That's what he said.

Esme rolled her eyes at her friend, wiping her hands  from the crumbs of a kinder bar before grabbing the pen from Maeve's hand and helping her work through it.

Elliot snickered under his breath, "Don't you mean, sodium, bromine and oxygen?"

The two girls gave him dead, unimpressed looks.

There was a reason boys were just good at looking strong and tall, it made up for the lack of intellect.

"I will pour chlorine down your throat," threatened Maeve with a scowl.

Elliot smirked. "Bet." Then proceeded to scarf down another slice of his sandwich.

But before the former really did pull through with the threat, Maddox, being the usual oblivious retard, slammed his tray of food onto the table, noisily took off his bag and coat, pushed up the sleeves of his jumper, then noisily went back into his bag and pulled out a Caprisun poking the plastic straw through the hole, but instantly remembered to #savetheturtles and went back into his bag to pull out a metal straw, poked it into the pack and finally picked up his fork and began eating his chicken nuggets.

Everyone on the table just looked at really just looked at him.

It took Maddox a total of six seconds to finally register that his friends indeed did exist, so he pulled out another six Caprisuns with the most genuine smile in the world.

"Almost forgot, whoops. Knock yourselves out."

Okay, it was a given. Maddox was the bestest friend in the group, no cap.

Aliana giggled, taking her Caprisun with a big fat thank you like the others, before delving back into the conversation she was having with Elliot.

Well now it seemed as though everyone was having a conversation with Eli as they all dropped there shit and listened in like nosy neighbours.

That's what friends are for.

"I need a kid," she said, fiddling with her chipped nail polish.

Esme sighed. "Don't we all," ...well the look on George's face said otherwise.

"No, like I need to adopt a baby sister or something because of the play date I promised Mrs. Jury. She called me after lesson and told me if we could do it today after College, and I panicked and said yes,"

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