Chapter 36: Coffee is meant for basic bitches, not satan

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Now I want a Damon...pretty please.


"You sure this is okay? We might get caught,"

George snorted so hard Aliana thought he was going to choke. He then smirked at her, hands fiddling with the lock on the door of the famous Creamery café, bringing back memories that made her blush.

"It's quarter to three in the fucking morning and we're standing outside a coffee shop that's meant to be closed. Of course this is not okay," Maeve yawned. She got cranky when she was tired and the squad were well aware that they should not enter within a five mile radius or else she'd mouth them off to the point where one would want to crawl back into their mothers womb.

It's totally normal.

"Bitch, I'm just trying not to shit myself," Aliana said, slapping her shoulder.

Wrong move.

Maeve glared at her. "I'm finna beat your ass right now," It was a miracle that Maddox stepped in between them and laughed it off or else a cat fight would ensue.

Well, as far as sitting on each other goes...

"Ladies, ladies. No fighting please. As much as I'd like to see you two paw at each other, we have much more important things to attend to,"

Aliana gagged. "Nonce," and Maeve agreed, punching him (not too lightly) on the arm. It was a good thing no one else was around to hear his anguished squeal.

"Men." Aliana muttered.

Esme narrowed her eyes, pulling the black beanie tighter around her head. "Maddox, what in the hell made you think breaking into a coffee shop in the morning was a good idea? I'm freezing my tits off,"

Maddox waved her off, dirty blonde curls peeking out his own black beanie making him look absolutely adorable. It was his idea they all dressed up like spies. It made it more...dramatic. His words precisely. "Well un freeze them, you all agreed to this so don't blame it all on me. Y'all had free will and shit,"

Aliana wasn't going to lie. She was just in it for the sexy spy outfit. "Touché, gotta say Maddy, my fit looks banging,"

Kim Possible was quaking in her boots.

Elliot sighed, leaning an elbow on her head, flexing his tall genes on her short form. "Can we just get this over and done with. My mum will beat the shit out of me if she finds out I'm not in bed,"

"I think she'll beat the shit out of all of us," Stella mumbled under her breath. Elliot rolled his eyes at her, avoiding eye contact.

The two were getting used to the discomfort around one another, they seemed to dig imaginary holes through the thick slab of tension where sometimes, very rarely, they'd put effort into having a small conversation.

Aliana imagined it usually consisted about the weather. And they all lived in England;horrible weather was a lifestyle.

"Aha, I did it motherfuckers," George shouted in triumph, pushing the door open.

"Babe, this isn't something to be proud of," Esme smiled softly, patting his shoulder. George just grinned at her and sent a quick peck to her cheek, causing the short haired brunette to giggle lightly.

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