Chapter 28: Have great ambitions kids, become a stripper

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Hello again.


"Listen, all I'm saying is we don't really need to come to College. I could become a..."

"Stripper?" Maddox supplied for Aliana, who nodded a bit too eagerly at him.

"Yeah, a stripper and turn into a millionaire," she stated proudly at the dinner table. "Like Cardi B,"

"Babe, no offence, but you're way too awkward to become a stripper," Maeve quipped, not looking up from her phone. "You can't even put on your jeans without falling over never mind taking them off."

Aliana stuck her tongue out. Elliot snorted.

Stella, who'd been finishing off some coursework, looked up from her laptop and smiled. "If you want to be a stripper, then go for it. I think it's great,"

Aliana grinned, happy that someone was on her side. "Thank you Stella. See, why can't you be more accepting like her?" she gestured to the rest of the group.

Esme stopped blushing at her phone and looked up, just now listening in to the conversation. Maeve sighed and faced Aliana.

"Because we want what's best for you, and Stella agrees with everything,"

"-Not socks with sandals," the blonde interrupted.

Maeve rolled her eyes. "Apart from wearing socks with sandals, oh the horror," she waved her hands about animatedly before Stella slapped them away with a click of her tongue to which Maeve slapped her back.

"Anyways, I kinda want to tell you guys something important other than Aliana's great ambition to become...a stripper," Elliot intervened, warily eyeing the mini cat fight between the girls.

"Yes, please tell us. My head hurts from all the bullshit coming out from Aliana's mouth," Maddox breathed out, slapping both palms onto the table, where Maeve's can of Pepsi almost tipped over.

"You idiot, watch my drink," she muttered, picking it up and taking a sip. Maddox grinned sheepishly at her before fully giving his attention to Elliot.

"Right, as I was saying. I have some good news," he smiled for a second, before continuing. "I got the interview for Oxford,"

The dining hall was deafening as the group bellowed in shock and happiness at their very clever friend. Students looked over at there table and smiled in confusion at the sudden outburst.

"Holy fucking shit man! That's fucking amazing!" Maddox exclaimed, slapping his friend on the back. Elliot started blushing at all the sudden attention, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"It's no big deal-"

"Oh stop with the humble act you clever piece of shit, we're all so happy for you Eli," grinned Maeve as she stood up to hug him. She squeezed him hard enough that Aliana thought his eyeballs would pop out, but he returned the action with extra strength.

"Eli! I'm so proud of you," Esme smiled, also coming up to hug him. Maddox joined for the heck of it and so did George, who'd been listening intently to some murder podcast for the past couple of minutes silently.

Stella packed away her stuff and smiled softly at her best friend. She didn't move to hug him. Things were slowly getting neutral between them both-Elliot had accepted the fact that he was a little too late in telling her about his feelings, now they were both trying to get along and remain civil with each other.

Aliana watched as Elliot's expression fell for a minute before he quickly replaced it with a huge grin. Not wanting to be left out in congratulating her best friend, Aliana jumped on him, squashing Maeve and Esme in the process and strangled the ever living shit out of Elliot.

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