Chapter 26: Life skills for dummies

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My exams are in 2 days and I have not revised#prayforme.


Since when did Aliana's life start revolving around boys?

It had been a couple of weeks since Theo's outburst and Aliana was so desperate to say something but just couldn't find the words.

She'd been robbed of her phone by her friends, who each gave her an individual lecture on letting go and taking a break. Maddox, being the awesome bestie he is, taught her something useful: like how to whistle through her fingers and secretly gave her a temporary, which didn't end up being secret at all as everyone put in their numbers later that week; family and friends only.

Maddox was fam for life.

At this moment in time, our dear protagonist is lying face first on her Law folder at the local library. Her studying was not going well.

That and some snotty eight year old brat was getting on her nerves.

"Oi, you're in my space, oi you,"

Aliana lifted her head and stared at the annoying ginger who wouldn't stop poking her arm.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "This isn't your space and bloody hell, stop poking me," she growled, growing impatient with the boy.

Ginger (substituted for his unknown name) didn't stop the poking and whined. "It is my space, my mum said so. I'm gonna tell on you,"

She rolled her eyes and backed away. "Oooh, I'm so scared,"

In her defence, the kid was at the same immaturity level as her so it was fair play.

Ginger screamed. "I'm gonna tell my mum!"

Aliana panicked. The snotty boy was now bellowing out tears like he'd just been told where babies really come from. She was not in the mood to be told off by the nosy librarian.

"Shh, stop crying. I'm sorry, please be quiet kid. Look I'll give you a sweet if you shut your trap,"

Ginger stopped crying and held out his tiny palm with a smug grin. There were no tears on his face.

That little piece of shit.

Aliana sighed, shoving a random Werther's she'd found in her back pocket into his palm with a lot more force than necessary.

She could practically see fireworks in his eyes.

Ginger lifted his head and grinned wider. "I want another one,"

Bitch what?

"Listen you little rat. That's the only one I've got left. Now shh, go back to your mum." Ginger was as stubborn as her and kept his palm raised.

"I want another one!" He whinged.

If Aliana wasn't so damn humble *snort* she totally would've socked the kid in the face by now.

"I don't have another one kid. Go away. Please," she groaned, frustrated that she had to endure all this torture alone. None of her friends were "available" to come with her. Aliana knew the idiots all hated revising-except for Esme and Stella...okay, and probably Elliot who would secretly revise and bullshit about just being lucky enough to ace the exam.

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