Chapter 10: Single as a pringle

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The best part about school trips is falling asleep on the bus ride home and having your friends balance water bottles on your face and see who can reach the highest.


"Someone gonna tell Stella they already chose the cast for the walking dead?"

Both Aliana and Esme studied the female zombie look-alike, as she stood a few feet away from them, looking ready to commit man-slaughter.

Hangovers are very dangerous things.

Stella, who they were scrutinising, hadn't let the frown, she'd been wearing since the morning, fall off her face. In fact when they asked her why she was so glum, she sneered-yes, sneered and then went back to frowning.

So they kept their distance and so did majority of their Tutor group. Just in case.

On the opposite spectrum, Elliot, who on a day like this, would be spewing constant shit about animals and how they fornicate, decided to wear the trendy  'I'dratherdiethanbehere' outfit and too glared them all away.

Such hormonal creatures.

George, who had been fiddling with his backpack for the last half an hour since they were waiting for the bus to arrive, finally walked over to them and placed a quick kiss on Esme's cheek as he took her backpack and hung it over his free shoulder.

Aliana swooned inwardly. Her single, lonely, depressing non-existent love life making her heart wail in despair and her stomach clench.

She was never going to get a boyfriend. It was just her and her future 30 cats.

Unless Theo replied to her messages from Saturday, when she finally got her phone back from a still-pissed-off Kaden and texted him back. Theo hadn't replied all weekend and any hope of not being single went flying out the window along with her heart. Why was she so clingy? He probably forgot about her already.

"You guys ready? Mr. Res said the buses would be here in five minutes," George said, checking his watch again, and putting his arm over Esme's shoulder.

"You do know Res told us that half an hour ago," Stated Aliana pushing Theo to the back of her mind, pulling her own back pack a little higher. It was sagging under the weight of all her junk and card games she'd brought for the trip.

What? Card games and diabetes were a must.

George shrugged and hugged Esme closer, kissing her on the forehead. The kinky little shit giggled, fully facing him now, completely ignoring Aliana, as they both settled into a private conversation of there own.

Romantic little pricks.

Aliana scoffed and walked over to Maeve who was sat on a nearby bench, texting someone on her phone.

"Watcha doing?" Aliana asked settling down besides her. Maeve jumped, her cheeks warming up.

That's a first.

"Oh-um nothing." She put her phone in her pocket and faced Aliana. "What's up?"

Aliana shrugged and leaned forward on the bench. "Eh, you know the usual. Trying not to cry from my depressing single life, probably gonna come on my period soon and now that I think about it, I realised why I couldn't stop crying when I watched the Jeremy Kyle show yesterday,"

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