Chapter 6: Step two on how to lose your party virginity

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Parties are like strip clubs...for minors.



"Stop moving," muttered Stella, concentrating on making both Aliana's eyebrows look "on fleek".

"That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick." Aliana moaned, moving away slightly when Stella began prodding her eyebrow hairs with a tweezer.

Aliana glared at the shiny pointy thing.

"Ali, red or black?" Called Maeve from inside her closet. The thing was as disorganised as her life, clothes and underwear flayed out all over the room.

The only difference this time; it was all Maeve's doing.

Aliana sighed, slumping further into the cushions of her velvet armchair she found at a cute thrift shop. "I don't know," she shrugged, earning a sharp glare from Stella who almost prodded her right eyeball out with the tweezer.

Aliana winced.

"Hurry! You need to decide, or else I'll drag you to the party naked." Maeve screamed from somewhere in the heaps of tweed jackets and denim.

Aliana grew frustrated. Partly from the incessant stinging sensations along her brow bone, but mostly due to the fact that as soon College ended, she was dragged to her own house by her friends, who did not let her go to the kitchen to grab a snack.

Oh no, they simply greeted her parents (Kaden mysteriously disappearing) grabbed something for themselves and again, dragged her to her own room.

"For God's sake-pick anything...YELLOW?!" She screamed randomly, jumping out the chair the minute Stella went back to pry her hairs out.

Maeve ran out flustered from being under the heat of several layers of leather, and managed to breathe out. "You can't wear something that'll bring out the yellow in your teeth."

Stella chuckled whilst Aliana sent her a crude gesture and stormed into her ensuite.

"I've got it!" Was Maeve's reply. She was now in a good mood compared to the weird display in the canteen earlier this afternoon.

Aliana turned to focus in the mirror over her marble sink, almost crying when she saw her eyebrows had been plucked so much they looked like Sperm cells.

The redness surrounding them made matters worse, making it appear as though she had just bashed her forehead repeatedly on a wall and decided to call it a day.

"STELLA!" She screamed rushing out the bathroom in fury. The perfectly dressed, soon-to-be-dead girl, was sat casually on her bed buffing her already-perfect nails.

"What's the problem love?" She asked innocently, not looking up from them.

"You little piece of shit-look," Aliana gestured to her brows. "My eyebrows look like the things that fused with my mothers egg cell." She was screeching now, but try looking like you caught a contagious hair rotting disease that made your forehead look like the backside of a Simian monkey and then try not to turn completely bonkers.

"I mean without those...things, you wouldn't even be here right now." Stella winced, coming face to face with her red, hideous, informal monobrow. 

She jumped off the bed in haste, squealing as Aliana chased her around the room.

"Maeve! Help!"

Aliana growled-perhaps the amount of brain cells she lost during all that plucking, had made her foolish enough to actually become an ape.

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