Chapter 23: I'm moderatley functional

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I have an (un) healthy obsession of buying books and now I have nowhere to put them.


"Maddox, if I wasn't..." Elliot paused to glance at his foot and grimaced. "...mildly decapitated, I would've kicked you in the balls right now,"

The latter gave out a guilty chuckle and scratched the back of his neck.

"Sit down on this," Maeve said, placing a stool behind him, near the kitchen island, where Kaden still stood protecting his food. "We'll get the first aid kit, Ali?"

Aliana understood and rummaged through one of the kitchen drawers to find the red box. It was stuck behind a roll of bin bags and she plucked it out quickly.

Maeve gripped the disinfectant wipe out of the kit, sent Elliot a guilty look and dabbed it onto his foot.

"Son of a gun!" He screamed, clutching onto the table top. Aliana had to grip his leg so he wouldn't kick it and hurt himself even more. By the look on his face, she was probably the top one on his hit list.

"Sorry Eli, I forgot to count to three," Maeve spoke, calmly dressing the wound with some gauze.

Elliot's eyes were shut tight, and his fists clenched. "Count to three my ass, I think I'm gonna puke," he made a noise when he looked back at his foot. "My foot looks like a fucking roasted lamb chop," he wailed.

Maddox walked over to them, placing the bag of marshmallows on the table and wrapping his arm around Elliot's shoulders. "If I could bro, I'd cut my foot for you,"

Eli's eyes shined with tears and he sent Maddox a hopeful look. "Really?"

Maddox nodded. "Totally man, I got you,"

"Well in that case, I guess we could light your foot on fire as well. We can be burnt foot buddies!" Elliot grinned, looking down at Maddox's feet. The disinfectant probably getting to his head.

The poor boy backed away. "Okay man, now I don't got you. You sound like a psycho,"

Esme snorted, coming up next to Maddox and taking a good look at the foot that was now wrapped tight in a bandage. Maeve grimaced at the amount of wipes and cotton wool that was bloodied and ran to the bin so fast Usain Bolt would be jealous.

The girl thoroughly washed her hands with five pumps of soap before drying them and leaning against the sink. "I am never going to do that ever again. No offence Eli, but that shit looks ugly."

Eli waved her off, limping with his arms wrapped tightly around both Maddox's and Esme's shoulders as they carried him back to the living room.

When all of the gang, beside Stella, joined them in the living room, Elliot glared at the heater.

"We meet again my nemesis," he spoke bitterly to the appliance. Oh he'd Definitely lost it.

George snorted at him and fell onto the spinny sofa, joined by Esme who was huddled in a cosy position by his side. Maeve couldn't help but glare at them as they once again, beat her to the special sofa.

"So you did quite a number on me, I have to say," Elliot was placed onto the normal sofa, Maddox jumping onto it besides him.

Aliana snickered under her breath. "That's what she said."

"But I'm not finished with you yet, you hot son of a bitch," Elliot had the look of murder on his face.

Maddox turned to Maeve and whispered. "He's still talking about the heater, right?"

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