Chapter 12: Magic Mike 2.0 (ladies edition)

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The best kinds of friends are the ones that do dumb shit with you and never regret it.


When Aliana arrived home that night, after a lot of scheming with her friends, she trudged up the stairs after greeting her parents.

And by greeting, she walked into the front room, let out a grunt to show her parents she was alive, and walked back out again when they casually shooed her away because she smelt like an animal.

She sniffed her armpits halfway up the stairs and winced-definitely in need of a shower, (she should probably add a little bleach in there too).

What? It's called a deep cleanse.

After the trek of a lifetime, Aliana fell onto her bed, completely out of breathe, because let's face it, no average teenager would be able to walk up the stairs and not end up hyperventilating like Great Aunt Greta who forgot her asthma pump on Christmas.


Aliana begrudgingly lifted her skull and glanced at the phone resting near her pillow, which was inked with her favourite Shawn Mendes' song lyrics. It was a reminder that this was the closest she'd get to him, but hey, it was better than nothing. Plus it had a button on the side which would play the actual song and Aliana would listen to it nightly and pretend it was real Shawn singing her to sleep.

Pssh, the poor guy would probably be knocked out cold from all the violating she'd do to him.

Aliana ignored it and went back to playing dead.




"Oh for fucks sake, what do you wa-oh?" Aliana cut off her frustrated tone and shot up off her bed surprised, the phone nearly slipping out of her hand.

No one was here and yet she was already blushing.

"I guess this seems like a bad time, should I call you later?" Theo's warm voice rang out. She smiled unwillingly at his tone, and shook her head.

He can't see you dumbass.

"Um-sorry about that, I thought you were someone else," she saved, moving up to her head rest and leaning against it. The shower would have to wait-she'd just marinate in her stinky clothes.

Theo let out a soft chuckle. "No problem Sweetheart. Though remind me to never get on your bad side,"

She laughed. "Noted." Then began fiddling with her fingers. "So any particular reason you decided to grace me with a call, for once?"   

Damn, she was a little salty.

She wanted to scream at him for not answering any of her texts from the weekend, but bit back another sour retort in case it seemed a little desperate.

"What do you mean? I've been calling you since Saturday?" His puzzled tone made her sit up straight.

"You have?!" She squealed, then remembered to play it cool and deepened her voice. "I-I mean, you have?" Excellent work.

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