Chapter 29: When Aliana got hit in the face with a bucket of tea

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You know what's awkward?

No, not accidentally waving back at someone who was waving at someone else. Not even that awkward thing you do when you follow your mum around at family gatherings; or formulating a perfect sentence in your head to talk to someone, but all that comes out is random facts about horse meat.

What was awkward was the fact that Aliana was currently sat in her favourite cafe, drinking tea with the last person she ever thought would join her, whilst both of them sat in a silence so horrifically awkward, Aliana had planned out a perfectly devised plan on killing herself with a spoon she'd used to mix the sugar in her tea with.

"So..." coughed Naomi, sitting opposite her, clad in something Barbie would wear to a funeral. It was some dark magenta pantsuit thingy and she accessorised it with a dark pink bow clipped in her hair which was pulled back into a ponytail.

Aliana glanced around making sure that she was still in the right era and place, because it looked like the 80's threw up on the ice queen.

Although, she couldn't help but internally whine at the fact that Naomi still looked absolutely flawless.

"Um...yeah..." Aliana smiled, cringing so hard on the inside her stomach was pleading her to stab it.

Naomi sighed into her heavily ringed hand.

"This is so stupid," she muttered, running a hand through her ponytail whilst looking out the window.

It didn't help that the weather was nice and warm. Something the brits didn't quite see on a regular basis and Aliana was spending her precious time with fucking pink cleopatra.

Naomi shifted around the leather seats trying to find a comfortable position, it made funny farting noises which Aliana couldn't take seriously and snickered behind her hand.

Naomi caught the action and stopped shifting about. "I asked you to have tea with me because I needed to tell you something," she said lowly.

Aliana put on her serious face and cleared her throat, she nodded her head to continue. Now would be a good time to spill the tea.

"Theo's not my brother."

The tea had been spilt.

Aliana's bewildered expression was clearly on display and Naomi sighed softly through her teeth. "Not biologically...he's my step brother,"

Aliana slapped her thigh, the sound extra loud in the almost empty cafe. "Well ain't that the shit," Naomi winced at the noise.

"He-I-we," she paused to take a deep breath. "My mother married his dad after Theo's real mum, as you probably figured out, was diagnosed with Alzheimers before they got divorced,"

"How old was he?" Aliana asked, hoping it wasn't too bad or else she'd beat herself up over it.

"Eleven and his mum was in her mid fifties," Aliana was confused. "She had Theo pretty late,"

Fuck. A million times fuck. He was only a small child, barely finishing primary school.

"I wasn't going to tell you this so that you go and apologise and make up, in fact this is kinda just a backstory to what I was getting at,"

Trouble arrangementsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora