Chapter 31: You're my favourite person to be antisocial with

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Stalking your house on the internet was the shit.


"Are you sure this is it?"

"Yes, according to google maps this is where he lives," Maeve said, looking out her windscreen with her hands on the steering wheel hunched forward trying to get a closer look at Theo's house.

Aliana groaned. "Why the fuck did you use google maps, and how did you know his address?"

Maeve shrugged. "Lol, I didn't. I kinda just told Maddox to hack his snapchat, he found the address out from there, I searched it up on google to see what his house looked like and voila. The MI6 are quaking,"

"The MI6 are wondering what a fucking nonce you are," Stella quipped from the back.

Maeve waved her off. "I got the right house though. That's all that matters, Eli back me up,"

Elliot switched off his phone and finally acknowledged the conversation completely clueless. "Huh?"

Maeve grumbled. "Useless,"

Aliana leaned her head on the dashboard. "What if it's not his house? What if he moved to Cambodia? What the fuck do I do when some sixty year old grandpa wearing suspenders opens up?"

"Simple, just invite yourself over for tea." Advised Maddox. "People who wear suspenders probably have a lot of money to make up for there lack of friends,"

Stella sent him a puzzled look.

"Just go, if it's not his house then just apologise and run back to the car, hurry up. I'm starving," moaned Esme. She was sitting on Stella's lap because they were all huddled in a five seater Ford.

So far the cops hadn't caught them—Esme would duck behind Aliana's seat all squashed #rebel.

"Fine, just make sure you wait for me here. Don't go yet," Aliana grumbled, removing her seatbelt (safety first kids...fuck, wait), before finally getting her flat ass out the car.

She slammed the door shut and crouched to knock on the window. Maeve rolled her eyes like she rolled down the window.

"Wish me good luck," she ordered. All of her supportive best friends groaned. "Now."

"Jesus, good luck," Esme breathed, squishing Stella as she leaned back. The latters words of support were muffled and Aliana waved it off.

"Good luck kiddo," Elliot said, sending her a small smile and a thumbs up.

"Good fuck," Maddox grinned.

"I think you meant good luck," Maeve spoke from behind the steering wheel.

Maddox smirked. "No I didn't, have fun Ali,"

She gave a sound of disgust, slapping her sweaty palms together before scurrying to a big black door. She didn't have time to take aesthetic pictures of the flowers on Theo's front porch, and she sighed when she realised they would have at least increased her followers by 0.00005 percent.

Tough luck.

Bracing herself for humiliation, she rang the doorbell twice because she couldn't reach it the first time and her hand slipped off.

Tapping her foot for what seemed like ten minutes but was just a second in the quantum realm, Aliana sighed through her teeth getting ready to cry because it was raining and the weather was reflecting her emotions.

When she made to knock on the door again the sound of keys jingling behind the piece of wood halted her actions and she quickly smoothed out her tumblr t-shirt.

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