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_Anonymous_04 shout out to them because they also make incredible poems which you should definitely check out because they're better than mine. They always manage to give me inspiration for poems when I don't have any so I'm very grateful! And all the pictures above are also from them ^^


This room of mirrors of which I hide myself in
Each a different version of myself
And looking for the best me for the world to see
I scrutinised myself, look at me
So I look for the one with a smile, eyes with shine
And words that hide what I am inside
This room of mirrors, of which I ball myself up
In a corner so that even I can't see my tears
And I close my eyes so I can't see
The worst version of me
With teeth as sharp as wolves
And eyes cunning and evil
The words only used with venom
And spite
With hands that do harm only for
Fun of it
Broken promises and empty pride
I have no morals or ethical value
I am not religious and I never planned to devote
Myself to an invisible god
Even I don't hold myself in a high regard
In this room of mirrors I cannot see
Because the are all broken just like



Hopeless Poet Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon