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The red velvet, hot emotion fills the chest
At first it's slow, undetected by the human mind
But slowly, just a grain of rice at a time
You feel a shake of your heart
And realise it's loose
But heavy,

Heavy with the things you hold over people
Because it makes you feel better

"Oh, I did this better"
"She did this worse than me"
"She didn't do too much better than me,"
"So she isn't much better"

Slowly you begin to see the mindset you've created
The red velvet of a superiority complex
The need to feel better, because you know the truth

You didn't do better
You aren't better
And you will never be better
And you can't be better

The fake arrogance hangs on the tip of your nose
When you speak down to people
And yet you know,
Deep in your heart you know,

you are worthless.

Hopeless Poet Where stories live. Discover now