Too late

70 3 0

Trigger warning: su*cide/survivor guilt.

You sunk into the never ending void
Deep, you wanted to scream
But your face never moved a muscle
You tried to breath but it felt as if the world was crushing
Your chest
You looked for me, for a saviour
Someone to help you get back up
But you sunk
You went down into the dark and never resurfaced

I went running up the stairs and found you drowning
I screamed at the sight of you
Where tears cascaded down your face
Eyes so desperate to see anyone, open and wide
Filled with regrets and drowning in the dark
And then you were gone as I saw the light wisp away
Gone from your eyes and held in deaths slender hands
It had its vice-grip on you and you didn't fight back
You let it take you and I was too



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