Chapter 3

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"I just don't know how to convince her," Killian sighs.

He's found his way to Granny's restaurant to talk with Ruby, Regina, and Elsa, some of Emma's most trusted friends over milkshakes and fries.

"It's clear she's going to need professional help," Regina says before sipping her milkshake. Ruby stands behind the counter cleaning up after the lunch rush and talking to her friends. "No one can go through what she's experienced and come out unscathed."

"And you said it's already showing?" Elsa asks.

"Aye, she's been waking up screaming bloody murder in the night. She avoids physical contact with anybody. Her hands shake, she's much quieter than ever before, she cries all the time..."

"Jeez," Ruby says.

"That can't be healthy," Elsa says.

"It's not. Emma may be strong, but a person can only bend for so long. It's only a matter a time before she breaks," Regina says. "And with the baby... The stress is terrible for it. Mary Margret is living witness to that."

Killian sighs and runs his hand through his hair. Elsa pats him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort. He's never been put into such a situation before. He's worried about Emma and their baby. He also has concerns for Henry and himself.

"To be honest I haven't been sleeping well either," he admits.

"It sounds like we all need help," Ruby agrees.

"It's true, these kinds of things will not go away magically. We're going to have to work through it," Regina says.

"But you know Emma, she won't burden other people with her problems and she hides behind those walls," Elsa says.

"Well then Killian is going to have to smash those walls," Regina says firmly. "For her sake and for the sake of your daughter."

Killian sighs and nods. He knows that trying to convince Emma of anything is a mammoth task on its own.

"Try to give her some comfort food and then sit down with her and talk," Elsa suggests.

"Right I'll have Granny make some onion rings and I'll make her a chocolate milkshake. Those are her favourites and then you can try to convince her to get help."

"You should try strawberry Ruby, she's been craving the red fruits recently. This morning, Mary Margret brought over raspberries for breakfast and she ate the entire basket."

"At least she's eating healthy," Regina shrugs. "But I do have the doctor you two can see."

Regina reaches into her pocket and pulls out a business card. Killian takes it and reads the title.

"Dr. Archibald Hopper?"

"He's the best of the best. I've been seeing him for years after the death of Daniel and after the divorces. He offers all kinds of counselling including couples and child psychology."

"Thank you, Regina," Killian says. He gets his wallet out to pay for the onion rings and shake.

Suddenly, the bell of the restaurant rings and a familiar, angry red-head walks in in black stilettos.

"I thought I'd find you stuffing your face with greasy food," Zelena says. "You should lay off the burgers sis."

Regina rolls her eyes and takes in a deep breath to face her half-sister.

"Beats starving myself to fit into that dress," she snaps back. "What do you want Zelena?"

"I wanted to see if the rumours are true. That Emma has been found?"

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