Chapter 46

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Henry slams a pillow over his head, trying desperately to get some sleep. Sophie's screams echo through the house. He grinds his teeth together, wishing beyond anything that his door was soundproof.

It had been several days since his baby half-sister had been brought home and Henry didn't realize that the night before she came home would be the last time he would get a full night's sleep. He should have savoured it because it seemed like there was no end in sight. Every few hours he'd wake up to hear Sophie's confused and hungry cries and the sounds of either his mother or Killian going down the hall to get her. This new house creaked quite a lot and the arching halls made sound echo continuously, no doubt Sophie could be heard from the basement or down the street. Part of him now wishes that he had gone to stay with his dad, at least until Sophie could sleep for more than two hours.

He shoves his headphones in his ears, something he was doing a lot more now and cranks up the music, despite his mother warning him about how it would damage his hearing. If losing his ability to hear helped him get some sleep, he'd take it.

Meanwhile, Emma is rocking Sophie back and forth downstairs, having just fed her and now trying to burp her.

She insisted she take this shift, so Killian could get some form of rest. After all, he was the one working and bringing in the money. Her eyes feel so heavy and her body is still sore from having given birth to her daughter less than a week before. Her mind is running wild and it's not with happy thoughts.

In her exhaustive state, she wishes that Killian had used protection that night... at least until they were ready to have a family. She wasn't fooling herself, Sophie was the most amazing gift, if only she had come when everyone felt ready for. She wasn't a mistake per se... a surprise maybe. At the same time, this child is what kept her alive while she was in captivity, saved her from more assaults and kept her company when she was all alone. Emma had escaped for this baby, so Sophie would not grow up in captivity. In fact, her mother may not have been alive if it weren't for this precious, screaming infant.

When do they run out of tears? She wonders as she pats her daughter's back, the gentle way which Mary Margret had shown her. She also rubs circles along the small of Sophie's back, apparently, this was soothing to infants, made them feel protected.

The crying soon stops until a new noise reaches her ears. Emma feels something wet go down her back and a foul smell reaches her nose. She turns to see that Sophie has thrown up all over the back of her nightgown. It dribbles down her back, making her shift uncomfortably and a little bit got in her hair, causing it to clump together.

"Oh, come on," she groans loudly. Sophie makes soft wailing noises but is not crying fully anymore. She forgot to put a towel underneath her shoulder before she burped her daughter. Rookie mistake it felt like.

Feeling very flustered, Emma walks upstairs and goes into the bedroom.

Killian looks positively exhausted, his arm draped over his eyes as if to keep them shut from being open so long.

Knowing she might regret this, she nudges him with her knee.

"Killian," She whispers.

He doesn't respond.

"Killian!" she says a bit louder.

He snorts a little and rolls over.

"Killian, Freddy Krueger is in the closet."

The docks man snorts and practically bolts upwards in shock. "Bloody hell!"

"Shh!" Emma hisses sharply. Sophie makes a few more wailing noises, but not enough to start crying again. Emma rubs the infant's back to reassure her.

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