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Mirialia walked through the magnificent oak doors of the Elvenking's halls, dressed in her finest gown of midnight blue. Sounds of joy fell all over the place as she greeted her beloved visitor, Eowyn. It was nearly two years since she visited her. The warmth of her hands holding hers were a proof of their undying friendship.

Behind Eowyn stood a young man. His auburn hair falling in curiously tight curls about his face and his mouth stretched wide in an amiable smile. The queen immediately recognized him.

"Welcome to our kingdom, Erchirion. Son of Prince Imrahil." Mirialia greeted with a sweet smile.

"It is an honour to meet you once again, Queen Miriel." He bowed gently.

Surely, the man has never forgotten their first meeting. It was during Eowyn's birthday where Mirialia met his father, Prince Imrahil and his children. She became friends with Lothiriel, and the princess even invited her to visit Dol Amroth once she had the time.

"I thought you were still campaigning in the south with the King of Gondor." Mirialia spoke to him.

"As a matter of fact I was just coming home when I spotted Lady Eowyn and her guards coming upon the horizon." he said amusedly, giving a kind look to Eowyn. "I think it is a fair idea to accompany the Lady of Rohan to her destination. Besides, we bring great news to you."

"A wise decision. How thoughtful of you." she complimented.

"Thank you."

"And what news have you brought for me, my lady?" Mirialia turned to Eowyn.

"Well, I am here to tell you that Eomer sought the hand of Lothiriel in marriage. We are inviting you for the wedding." She mentioned excitedly.

Mirialia leaped in joy and embraced Eowyn upon hearing the news. She knew Eomer and Lothiriel were very much in love with each other.

"I am so happy for them!" She exclaimed.

Maintaining her poise, she linked arms with Eowyn and brought them inside the halls. "Come. The king prepared a luncheon for you."


Eowyn walked towards Erchirion, whom she found standing near the window and looking out in the forest.

"Erchirion," she called out.

The young man turned around and smiled at her. "She hasn't changed, my lady."

"Indeed." Eowyn agreed. "Seeing her again, nothing still changed at all."

"She is so beautiful." He said softly.

Eowyn tilted her head and rested a hand on his shoulder. "And King Thranduil's wife."

Erchirion frowned at her reminder. "Still beautiful." he insisted.

"Come now. They are waiting for us." Eowyn finally said.


"Dol Amroth and Rohan will be united after the wedding, I am glad to hear that." Thranduil said as he sipped his wine.

"However, I'm afraid I won't be there. I have business to attend to. But my wife can go if she wants to."

"Thank you, my lord." Eowyn smiled. "Eomer and Lothiriel will be more than happy to see your wife representing your realm at the wedding."

Thranduil looked at his wife, and she flashed a sweet smile, telling him she agreed.

"Very well. She will go then." He said.

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