Meet me...

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Crosshairs regretted coming to this planet, Earth... planet earth what a stupid name to a planet. He hadn't been on the planet for long before he had to go into hiding. The humans was hunting them down and killing them in the process.

Crosshairs had been on the run for four days now, he didn't dare to stop.

He was tired and he needed energon soon, he had small injuries from his crash landing, just a few cuts and they were almost healed, but those pesky humans had been shooting at him and some had hit him.

He took a turn down a side road. Alarms was blaring off and blinking with big red letters before his optics, he needed rest now, before his body would shut down.

He just hoped that the old construction up ahead was empty.. if not he would have a problem...


Nat was a young woman in her best years, early twenties. Long raven black hair, crystal green eyes, she was slim and knew that she was pretty and she enjoyed her life. Mostly...

Nat wasn't exactly normal and she knew... it never had anything to do with her body or her look, but more like her brain. Something had happened to her when she was young, something she didn't enjoy to talk about but knew that she had too from time to time.

Normally she would be happy and smiling all the time, but when she had bad days.. she had really bad days.

And on bad days she did a very few things, either she would sleep all day or stay awake all night, or she would call her brother and they would talk about it. Or she would call her Boss and talk about it, maybe get her to send some more of her medicine, or she would take out to the old abandoned construction and spend some time there.

She liked being there, it was nice, it was quiet and no one came there beside her, so she had the place for herself.

But today someone else seem to have found their way to the abandoned construction...

Nat didn't say anything as she walked around the giant robot who was sitting leaned up against the wall. A blue liquid was dripping from what she assumed was a wound, by the color of it she didn't dare to touch it, it was glowing blue and clearly it would be poisonous.

She looked up at it, it seemed to be sleeping or resting at least, but it also seemed to be in pain. The way it grunted when it moved told that it wasn't exactly pleased about the way it was sitting.

Nat stepped a little away and looked at the robot from a small distances. Beside all the metal color, it was green and black, and it seemed to be wearing a pair of goggles, with one red glass and one blue.  

It looked kinda funny if you asked her. She had heard about these Transformers as they were called, how the world and humankind now saw them as enemies against society, they were dangerous and evil creatures.. they had to be stopped, no matter the cause. That was what the government said at least. But if Nat had to be honest... she didn't think that of them, tho she never met one of them in person, but her Boss had meet one. She said they were peaceful mostly, some was destruktiv out of nature, but weren't different from how humans acted sometimes. How was this one ? They all had different personalities, they were just like humans... well if humans were covered in metal and could change into a vehicle.

The robot moved and groaned in pain as it tried to sit up, Nat just looked at it, waited for it to realized her.


" Son of a glitch... "

Crosshairs cursed out between grinted dentas and tried to find another way to sit, everything hurt, and he was leaking. This couldn't get worse...

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