Some thing's off

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" Cross ! I need to go into town, can you get me a lift ?"

Nat yelled as she walked outside closing the front door behind her, she knew Crosshairs had heard her, she just waited for him to get up from the basement. As she waited she walked over to a man that had pulled up in a orange pick up truck a few moments ago.

She knew this man well, he was a kind spirit in a strong body.

He was around 1.80 tall, bored chest and shoulders, very well build, and young looking of a guy in his early thirties. He had short and spiky ginger colored hair and green eyes, at the moment he was wearing a black tank top and a couple of jogging pants, with his yellow sneakers. He had a lizard tattooed on his back, and if he turned around you would just be able to see the head of it, placed in between his shoulders.

" Boba, how lovely to see you. Thank you for coming, I really appreciate your help with this "

Nat said as she hugged him, he slowly hugged her back with one arm, before grabbing a lok of her hair. He pulled it before giving her a sharp and worried look, he pointed at his heart before making a hand movement indicating an explosion, then giving a nod towards the garage, where the front of a green corvette was poking out.

Nat looked from the corvette and back to the older male, he didn't exactly look pleased, when her eyes met his again he just shook his head.

" Urg okay I get it, she don't like it. But he is really okay, and no one ever goes out here beside you guys. Nothing will happen okay "

Boba just raised an eyebrow at her before making another hand movement, indicating the word "Humans"

Nat just huffed and placed her hand at her hips.

" They never come out here, they don't ever leave the city. Beside untill he has a holofrom, he is just gonna look like a normal car "

Boba grunted and glared at her, before letting his hands fall down his sides.

" Just fix up the basement okay, I will take him with me anyway so you have the house to yourself "


" Who was that guy ?" Crosshairs asked after a while, the town was half an hour away so they would have just a little time to talk. Nat who was resting a lazy hand on the steering wheel, just looked out the window, not really paying attention to the road or anything else. She didn't have too, Crosshairs was the one driving anyway. But she seemed so off today, okay they had been up late last night and it might kinda have been he's fault. They had been watching a movie, a couple of movies... And of course there was a hidden tv in the garage.

It had been for fun, when Nat had asked if Crosshairs wanted to watch a movie called Cars, but since he didn't have any better to do and she was gonna watch it anyway...

It had ended up with them watching all three movie through the night and Crosshairs had to admit, they were okay.

But was it normal for a human to get this zoned out when they missed a couple of hours of sleep ?

" Nat ! " He called annoyed and barely got an answer.

" Hmm "

" Ya didn't answer, who was that guy ?"

Finally she looked at the radio with a raised eyebrow.

" You mean Boba ? Oh he is just a friend or part of the family in a way... what am I saying of course he is part of the family. He is my best friend's assistant, and she is family, so he is family too "

" Why didn't he speak ? I heard you answering on things, but I never heard him asking anything "

" Oh... yeah.. ehh.. this is kinda hard to explain. You see ehh.. Boba was sent to be a guard to someone, kinda like a bodyguard. And this someone died tragically, Boba was completely destroyed, he took a vow of silence to punish himself. "

" Wow... how long have he.. when did he ?"

Crosshairs asked cautious, he had heard about soldiers going silent to protect others.. he had seen it with his own optics. One from his own team had done it when he lost his sparkmate to a decepticon... the mech didn't say a single beep for six orns, not even when he got shot down from the sky on a mission.

" The guy died just as the Cigargo war started. He.. he was working with the autobot team, and just as Boba arrived.. the guy got shot "

" Do ya know who did it ?"

" Sentinel.. that's the reason to why Boba don't trust firetrucks... and he became a pyromaniac, tho he controles it well "

" Wait a click darling. Ya let a pyromaniac be alone in yer house, ain't that a lil' risky ?"

" He has it under control, don't worry. "

" I don't know, I think it's risky "

" It's not. Boba is a good guy and I trust him, end of discussion. Now drive to that store over there and park "

" Okay okay fine darling, ya don't have ta growl at me "

With a huff Nat went out of the car as soon as Crosshairs parked and slammed the door,

" Hey ya, watch it. I ain't done nothing but ask " Crosshairs grunted as Nat began walking towards the store, the human femme turned and pointed a finger at him.

" The problem is not that you ask, but that you distrus my decision. Now shut up and stay there until I come back "


Nearly an hour later Nat came back, a shopping back in her hand and her phone in the other, she didn't even look at Crosshairs when she walked behind him, her eyes was glued to the phone screen.

" Cross open the trunk "

Nothing happened, so Nat repeated herself, still looking at her phone.

" Crosshairs open up your damn trunk, unless you want groceries to stand in the back seat " With a pop, the trunk open and she put her shopping back there before closing it carefully, not slamming it this time. Still with her phone in her hand she sat down in the driver's seat. The seatbelt clicked on by itself as the car started up again and began driving back.

" Ya know the last time someone said something like that ta me, it was in a closed room at midnight after too much high grade " Nat just kicked him and huffed.

" It wasn't meant like that you dumbass, I had my hands full and you are a talking robot car, beside that I know what part of you that is. "

" Oh really, are ya a biologist all of a sudden "

" Shut the fuck up, Cross honestly I have known you for three weeks now and personally I don't feel like we are at the state where I can grab your ass just for the fun of it "

" It's called an aft when ya are talking about a cybertronian, beside it's not really like ya are grabbing me, it's just my coat "

" Cross, I don't care. Let's forget about it and move on. I'm tired, I'm mad and I have to make food when I come home. Oh by the way we will be having a guest for dinner "

" So I have ta stay in the garage.. ya I get it, ya have made the rules clear. Mind tellin' who are coming "

" Well Boba are gonna stay for dinner and then my friend Marina are coming over. "

" Well great..."

" Oh don't be mad over it, I'm sorry but I have other friends than you speed demon "

Crosshairs just grunted, the rest of the tour was made in silence. Nat's phone went off one or two times but that was it.

When they finally reach the big house in no-man-land, Nat simply got her things and went inside, Crosshairs parked in the garage, he knew he could just push the button, but he didn't want to go down in the basement again... He kinda wanted to see how this best friend of Nat's looked like. So he decided to stay in the garage.

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