Her problem part 1

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No matter how much Crosshairs hated to admit it, Nat had been right. He hadn't seen anything like this. There was the normal blinking lights and dance floor from a regular nightclub. There was a corner screaming strip club, there was a whole wall lit up by the letters BAR. This place was huge, at the front door there were people in fancy clothes getting drinks, then a table filled with all kinds of food, then the bar, then tables here people could eat their food, then the dance floor and at the far end.. a giant stage.

Crosshairs was overwhelmed by how big this place was and how many people that were here, he stopped and looked around. This was unrealistic.

Nat grabbed his arm and looked at him with sparkling eyes, tho that was most do to the light in the place.

" Told you it was different, now come on Cross, you don't wanna get lost in here "

She smiled as she walked away, tho still holding his arm. Crosshairs shook the overwhelming feeling off and locked his arm with hers, she was right... he didn't wanna get lost in here. Leaning his head to the side he whispered to her.

" What is this place even ?"

" It is a secret night club or just general club/ bar for what is referred to as Shifters "

" Shifters ?" He repeated confused and raised his eyebrow, Nat grabbed two drinks from a passing servent at handed one to Crosshairs.

" Yeah shifters. Everyone that has more than one appearance, like shape shifters, everything from fable creatures on this earth to people from outta space like you "

" Wait a click there love... are ya saying that there might be other cybertronians here ?"

" Yes there are, tho most of them are neutrals, actually we are looking for cybertronians "

" We are ?! "

" And a dragon, but yeah. Uh do tell me if you see a tall, pale, blue eyed man walking around looking like he has given up on life "

Cross looked at her confused for a moment before he looked over the crowd of people,

" Weird description but okay... anything else I should look for ? "

Beside your gorgeous eyes

His spark whispered as his processor cursed at him. Nat just hummed as they reach the crowd in front of the stage.

" If you see a guy on the stage looking a little like me or someone getting in a fight.."

Crosshairs didn't comment, even tho he wanted too. What kind of bot's was she looking for... Given up on life, on the stage, or getting in a fight.. was this some kind of cruel joke she was pulling off ?

As the lights died down a guy walked onto the stage, he was wearing black pants, and a red coat, white gloves and hat. Some started the song by saying woah a couple of times. The guy that had walked out first started singing low with his back turned towards the crowd.

Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for (woah)

Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor (woah)

And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore

Taking your breath, stealing your mind

And all that was real is left behind

He turned around and keep singing.

Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya

It's only this moment, don't care what comes after

Your fever dream, can't you see it getting closer

Just surrender 'cause you feel the feeling taking over

It's fire, it's freedom, it's flooding open

It's a preacher in the pulpit and you'll find devotion

There's something breaking at the brick of every wall, it's holding

All that you know

So tell me do you wanna go? 

As the guys voice grew stronger, fire expoled at both sidses of the stage scaring Crosshairs and making him reach for his gun that was under his goat, but he was stopped as Nat put her hand over his.

" Relax, it's part of the show. The song is even called the greatest show, so of course it has fire in it "

Crosshairs just grunted and let go of his gun.

" A warning would be nice next time... "

Nat slapped him on his chest playfully and looked up at him with a smile.

" Don't be mad about it. Anyway, the guy signing is one of those we are looking for, so the others should be in his dressing room, maybe we can get them before they go to the next song "

Crosshairs didn't get the chance to argue, as Nat just started pulling him with her when she went through the crowd of people.


" Uh uh here it is, dressroom 13, get ready Cross these guys can be a little strange "

That was his only warning before she burst the door open and threw out her arms, walking in swaying her hips like some other celebrity and shouting.

" I'm back boys ! Did you miss me "

Crosshairs just walked in after her, looking around the room to see who she was talking to.

" Oh Nat, you're here, great give me a moment "

A human giant said as he walked around the room, with a little glass with purple liquid in it and a needle. Crosshairs had to bit his lip to keep quiet. This guy was as tall if not taller than Prime, and he had just as much muscle

He had a blue shirt on and a pair of black pants, he ran a hand through his laidback hair, he had a nicely arranged and well-fitting short beard. He had three earrings in one ear, all with blue crystals.

As he walked around, he had his back straight, his hands to his side and his nose in the sky. He was not sorry for himself in any way .. the way he went and held his pose. He was a soldier, or he had been, it was obvious to see. A pair of brown combat boots stopped in front Crosshairs and he had to look up a bit to look this guy in the eyes.

" Dearest who is this ?"

He asked looking down at Crosshairs, the giants eyes ice-crystal blue and just as cold. Crosshairs didn't feel safe with this guy glaring at him. Slowly he reached for his gun, but once again Nat was there to stop him.

" This is Crosshairs, he's an autobot, he helped me come here " Nat was smiling while standing arm in arm with Crosshairs, the giant huffed a "Fine" before turning to look at the other people who was walking into the room, from the side of the stage. 

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