I have returned

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Crosshairs woke up with a groan, as he sat up he had the feeling of small pedes all over his body. But when he looked himself over there was nothing, he tried to shake his helm to get the dizziness away, and it slightly worked. As his sight cleared he looked around, he was still in the crystal basement, still surrounded by the shiny stones, tho the once she had put on his chest was gone. And so was his bleeding wounds, there was no trace of energon anywhere near him and there was no trace of the human femme. Slowly standing up he had to use a couple of seconds to gain his balance, looking around he started to wonder where there would be a door out or something. He soon had to realize that he couldn't find it and slowly he had to realize that he once again needed the help of the human femme. But just as he wanted to call out to her, he remember that he never got her name...

He told his own designation, but never asked for hers.. how fucking stupid of him. With a servo covering his optics he groaned in annoyance,

" Yer' a fraggin' idiot Cross, a damn fraggin' idiot. She could be calling the cops right now and let ya for scrap " He said out loud. He looked around again and tapped a pede on the floor, there had to be a way out, otherwise she would still be here, and she wasn't here.

" There gotta be a way out "

He was walking in circles and mumbling to himself, he hated being locked up and right now he was locked up.

" How in the name of ta' damn PIT'S am I getting out from here !?"

He ended up yelling and grinted his dentas, servos at his sides. He had to get out.. he just had to.

" It's actually really easy... You stand on that platform and push that button over there "

The human femme appeared out of nothing and walked towards him with her hands on her back, smiling and looking up at him with those bright green eyes.

For a moment Crosshairs was surprised and scared at the same time.

" Where the frag did ya come from ?!"

" There's a door over there in the other side of the room, you can't see it from here. I use it to get down here when I'm up in the house "

With a huff Crosshairs looked in the direction she pointed and after walking to the other side of the room he had to admit she was saying the truth, there was a door.

" Well that tells how ya are getting out, but how do I get out of here ?"

" I will repeat myself then. You stand on that platform and push that button over there "

She pointed to the place where he had been when he got elevated down, he walked over there and sure enough there was a small and camouflaged button on the floor. Crosshairs leand back up scratching his chin,

" How the in ta name of Primus didn't I see this before ?"

" Well you where in a lot of pain, so you might not have been at your sharpest"

" Smartass..."

" No simple logic.. But if you transform I can push the button and you will get back up and outside "

" Please do "

Not soon after they were back outside, Crosshairs enjoyed the sun shining on him again. The human femme walked forward and took in a deep breath of air, her arms stretched toward the sky.

" I love the sun, it's so warm and pretty, it's shining and a sign of hope. Tho it can be too bright sometimes... my eyes don't like when it's too bright "

" Yeah... ta sun's pretty... lil' lady what's ya name by ta way ?"

Crosshairs asked still in his alt mode, he had to get her name...

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