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" Nat ! What in ta name of Primus is happening ! " Crosshairs shouted as he looked into the house by one of the windows at the back side of the house. The poor girl was running around like a headless chicken, she was picking up all kinds of small crystals and putting them all in a small handbag. Suddenly it knocked on the door and she froze in place, so did Crosshairs. The house was big enough to hide him, but if he moved too much it could be heard. Nat looked over her shoulder and at the door that lead downstairs, fear written all over her face. Without making a sound, she tiptoed over to the window and slowly opened it. Crosshairs leaned down to speak but was silent before he could say anything, slowly Nat started crawling out the window and whispered for Crosshairs to give her a hand. The green mech taking it literal and holding out a servo for her to step onto.

" What is happening ?" He whispered as he brought her up to be eye level with him, Nat just looked from the house and to the forest behind them.

" No time to explain, just sneak of to the forest and as soon as you can transform a get us out of here "

" But.."

" Crosshairs just do it !"

With a huff he did as told, holding Nat close to his chest as he lingered into the shadows of the tall trees, even tho it was around noon, the forest was dark and everything was casting big and scary shadows. 

" Do I have ta be worried ? " He asked his voice low, as he looked over his shoulder and pulled out one of his guns. Nat just hissed as she tried to look behind him towards the house.

" No, as long as you can get us out of here, there's nothing to worry about "

Crosshairs didn't believe her, she was too tense for this to be something he didn't have to worry about, but he decided to wait to ask about it.


The house was far behind them now, but Nat still seemed to be on edge, as they reached the edge of the forest, Crosshairs sat her down and transformed beside her. Nat took the driver's seat without a word. Crosshairs slowly began to drive towards the road that was up ahead.

They reached the town an hour later, no one had said a word yet. Crosshairs pulled in and parked at the store Nat had been in a couple of days ago, as she realized where they where she snapped her head towards the radio and growled.

" What are you doing ? We have no reason to be here "

" Ya need ta tell me what ta frag just happened "

" No I don't ! " She yelled. Someone walking by outside had heard her and gave her a confused look, she smiled nerves and held up her phone, while mumbling " Ex boyfriend "

The couple just walked off still sending her a wired look, when they where out of earshot she turned back and narrowed her eyes at the radio.

" I don't need to tell you anything ! "

" I just ran through a damn forest carrying ya like some fragile bird ! I have a right ta know ! "

" I'm Not Some Fragile Bird ! "

" Yer Scared Nat, I can see and feel it. Ya have a spark with a pulse so high, that is't ready ta jump out of ya chest ! Yer shaking and ya optics are close ta leaking. Tell me what's wrong !"

" NO ! Nothing is wrong ! I just need my medicine !"

Nat yelled and pushed the door open before stepping out, growling while she was looking through her handbag. She finally pulled out a small box with some small pills in, with shaking hands she opened the box but then stopped.

" Fucking Hell ! " She yelled and threw her bag into the passenger seat.

" What Now ?!" Crosshairs growled.

" I don't have any fucking water and I can't swallow this shit without it !" Nat was shouting at this point, and earning glares from people around them. Crosshairs knew he had to get her to calm down and soon before she would blow a fuse or something.

When she began to walk away from him and the store, he activated his holoform for the first time.

 A well trained man, with ear long chocolate colored hair and sparkling blue eyes. He had a goatee in the same color as his hair. He had a pair of high military boots in black on, with green trousers that was being held up by and thin belt. He was wearing a black shirt as the only thing to cover his torso, beside the green trench coat. Something that stood out was his dog tags, one was just a blank silver plate while the other had the autobot logo and his designation on it.  

Grabbing her bag and running up to her, it didn't take much to reach her but when he grabbed her wrist, she turned and hissed at him like he had burned her.

" Don't touch me ! "

Her eyes glowed a bright green, an unatural green, Crosshairs noticed that among a lot of things. The anger, the fear, how she was shaking, how her eyes was at the edge of tears. He didn't let go of her wrist, he just looked at her. Knowing the feeling she had all too well. Without another word, he pulled her to him, embraced her. And tried to calm her down.

Stroking her hair, and padding her back, trying to shield her body with his own. He felt how she tensed up at first but then slowly began to relax, she had her head buried in his chest.

Crosshairs never noticed the tugging from his spark, yet he was too fixed on comforting Nat, at the very moment the autobots and the decepticons for the matter could go frag themself, if it meant Nat would get better or at least just stop crying. He would do anything, everything, in and out of his power to make her stop crying. When he heard the silent sob from her, he could almost feel his spark break, and so he hugged her tighter.

" Don't cry love.. don't cry please, let's go back ta my alt and talk about this. I will do everything ta fix it.."

He whispered losing his grip just a little, Nat leaned back and wiped her tears away, looking to the side she sobbed one last time before speaking.

" No... I need my pills, otherwise I can't control it and I don't want to be an emotional wreck, more than I already am "

" Then let's go in and buy you that water and then go back and have a talk, deal ?"

She wiped the last tear away and looked to the store before nodding slowly.

" If we can have the talk on the road then we have a deal "

Crosshairs hummed and pulled her to him again this time with a slight smirk, his arm around her waist and his hand resting on her hip. Nat stopped for a moment and raised an eyebrow at him.

" You're brave all of a sudden..."

With a light chuckle he started walking towards the store, pulling Nat with him as he walked, he leaned in, his nose almost touching her cheek, as he smiled.

" Well.. my baby girl needs ta know that I'm here for her. And I read somewhere that touch is the best way ta keep someone in the presence "

" That's for anxiety attacks... this isn't an anxiety attack really "

" Tell me about it when we are on ta road, let's just get you that water okay "

" Cross..."

" Yeah love ?"

" If your hand goes any closer to my ass, I'm gonna bite it off "

Crosshairs laughed and held up both of his hands as he walked backwards to look at Nat.

She had some of that bright glee back in her eyes, he could see the fear leave her body and it made him happy. For some reason he didn't care about the other bot's, right now all that mattered was this woman in front of him. The playful hint in her eyes caused him to smile, with a happy huff he reached a hand out for her to take, Nat just tilted her head confused.

" Ya hand then, for me ta hold, and the other way around "

When our ways crossedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz