Part of it...

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" Okay, ya got ya pill and water, so spill the beans love. What happened at the parking lot and at ta house. What are we running from ? And does it have anything to do about that scary man that was at ta house yesterday ?"

They were back at the road again, this time Crosshairs holoform at the steering wheel and Nat on the passenger seat.

Nat snorted short at the last thing he said,

" Scary man ? You mean T-Bone ? He is my brother, big brother at that. But no it has nothing to do with him... He actually came to warn me the other day, about all... this "

Crosshairs just grunted, so it was her brother... damn, how could she look so sweet and caring and then be in family with that walking nightmare tower ?

" What did he warn ya about ? "

Nat fell silent after he asked that, she didn't look him in his eyes or at the radio. She just looked down while mumbling.

" I can't really tell you that..."

" Why not ?"

" Not before I'm sure at least.."

" Sure about what love ?"

Finally she looked at him, her eyes big and glittering green and mesmerizing, Crosshairs had to remind himself to focus on driving and not get lost in her eyes.

" I have to be sure that you will go with me, or listen to me and accept the offer it will bring if I tell you "

" I will go with you ! To the end of the world, to the moon and back. I will crawl on my knees and worship you each and every day of the rest of my life ! And when I go offline I will still do it "

His spark was screaming, while his processor was denied it... he was cursing at himself. Focus on what she is saying and not what it could mean, ya dumbaft.

He growled at himself.

" Love I can't help ya if I don't know what the problem is "

" ..... No... I know that... "

" Then tell me love, what and who are we running from and where are we running to ?"

With a dramatic sign Nat looked out the window before she began speaking.

T-Bone would have her head for this...

" I might not have been totally honest with you Crosshairs.. you are not the first transformer I have met. I have met a lot actually... My boss works with them, some of them at least. "

" What do ya mean work with them ?"

Crosshairs asked getting a little worried, if she was working with those who were hunting them down, he would have to leave her right now, in the middle of nothing.

" She safe them, gives them a place to stay and a cover story. She help them hide from those who are hunting them... they only have to do one thing in return "

Again Crosshairs got a little worried, it was never a good thing when that was said, he would have to read between the lines if he didn't want to be tricked.

" What do they have ta do in return ?"

" If she ask them for help, they have to help her "

" What if they can't help her ?"

" Oh my Boss don't ask if she doesn't think they can help, she knows what she is asking who about. She wouldn't ask if they couldn't help " 


Nat had received a message from one of her friends, telling her to come see him at a nightclub that he often spent his time at. It wasn't for his oven sake that he was there, but more for the sake of his two companions, they had a bad habit about them getting drunk. And while one of them would be the happy singing center of attention, the other would get himself into fight and beat the shit out of people.

It had taken a long discussion with the green corvette to get him to go to said nightclub, but finally. After nearly 10 hour of driving they had made it there.

Nat was happy to get out and stretch her legs, she didn't seem bothered by the place looks, Crosshairs on the other hand didn't seem too happy. This placed looked too fancy for his taste.

" Hey Cross ! Wake up I got something for you " Nat snapped her fingers in front of his face and there by dragging him out of his own thoughts. She threw a slik metal collar at him, confusing the bot as she turned around to look at herself in his rear view mirror.

" What the frag am I supposed ta do with this ?"

He asked as he held it at one end like he was disgusted by it, Nat just turned and was adjusting her own. Hers was bigger, and had silver in it with small spikes on it. The design was great, but he didn't really think it fit her, it was too much if you asked him.

" It's a collar smartass, you wear it, like a necklace "

" Why would I wear a collar ? "

Nat signed and took it from his hand and was about to put it around his neck when he grabbed her wrist, narrowing his eyes at her.

" Don't give me that look, it's a thing at this place. If you either is with someone or want to be left alone you wear a collar "

Crosshairs relaxed a little and Nat took the chance to put on the collar on him, as he heard the click of the lock closing he looked of to the side with a huff. Nat just smiled and patted him on the chest.

" Great then come on, let's go in and find these guys "

But Crosshairs was frozen in place, he was looking down, barely breathing.

He couldn't hear anything beside the beating of his spark and his own heavy breathing, he felt like something was pulling at his every spark, but it wasn't something that hurt... It was more like a friendly reminder that he was missing something.

" Cross come on now " Nat yelled and snapped him out of it, he looked around confused until he saw her close to the front door of the place. Shaking the last of his trance off himself he jogged up to walk beside her, she just smiled to him.

" Oh by the way... this is not a normal nightclub "

" Love... I doubt ya can come up with anything ta surprise me. I wasn't exactly home at night in my young days "

" I still doubt that you have seen anything like this "

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