Run ?

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Crosshairs was overwhelmed when him and Wingbomb began to walk through the base.

There were predacons everywhere, small once the size of humans, other made Crosshairs feel small. Wingbomb was a big mech and he made the paratrooper feel small enough as it was, even with his guns back in their holsteres, not to mention that guy Gunmetal... Those mech's had to be a little more than just normal cybertronians.

As they walked through tunnels and caves littered up with fire and crystals, Crosshairs felt himself get just a little more tired and had it not been for the servo that was suddenly on his shoulder, he would have hit the floor.

" What is this anyway... I feel like I have tha' worst hangover ever!"

Crosshairs asked a servo to his helm and using Wingbomb's arm as support to keep himself standing, the bigger blue mech just helped him stay up right.

" It's the crystals in the caves and combined with the light and temperature here.. these tunnels are designed to make us tired, so it is easier for us to fall asleep. "

" That's wired.." Was all Crosshairs could get himself to say, as they walked through the tunnels, Wingbomb never looked at him when he spoke.

" Perhaps, but it works. It is the easiest way to get a dragticon to sleep "

Dragticon ? What the hell was that ? Did he mean predacons, was a dragticon even a thing or was this mech just as insane as his friend Gunmetal ?
" What ta hell is a dragticon ? "

The blue mech stopped for a second, frozen, his optics wide, before they readjusted, he huffed out a breath of air and continued walking.

" I could explain it to you, but that is for my alpha to do. She will explain to all of you. Oh and by any chance do you know how to best calm down that samurai thing of yours, he is apparently going furious about something "

Samurai..? who... Oh Drift !

Once again realization struck him like a brick to the face. Drift and the others, they had been there when Clint transformed, he had been arguing with Hound, even pointed a gun at the bots face. Ready to shoot the mech and over what ?...

What had they been fighting over...

The picture came to his helm like a lightning from a sky clear sky.

Her sparkling green eyes, that delightful smile of hers, her long raven black hair softly swaying in the wind. Crosshairs felt his spark beat faster with the thought of her and soon he found himself smiling without a reason, until suddenly it hit him. Another lightning from the clear sky.

" Where's Nat and the others ! Where's my team ?!" 

Crosshairs sounded more shocked than he wanted to, but he had to admit no matter how little he wanted to, that he cared for the others... or he cared for Drift at least, Bee and Hound didn't worry him that much. Hound was an annoying fat aft and Bee was just plain annoying to the paratrooper. Drift on the other hand... the samurai had gone through things that Crosshairs all but recognised. He felt sorry for the mech sometimes, sometimes that is.

" I am leading you to your fellow autobots right now. Nat however will have to wait, she suffered a painful anxiety attack as soon as you arrived here. Her friend and brother was there to make sure nothing happened to her. "

Crosshairs energon froze, was Nat okay ? Was she hurt in any way ? Had it been his fault, if she was ?

Wingbomb read his mind...

" She is fine don't worry, her best friend is a doctor and her brother would kill anyone and anything before letting it hurt his sister "

Crosshairs wanted to say something but, the words never made it past his dermas as he heard Drift roar something in japanese. The paratrooper jogged towards the entrance of the tunnel, once again being overwhelmed when he could see the room he stepped into.

Even if all the bots on the team stood on each others shoulder, they would never even be close to touching the ceiling. At the moment Crosshairs felt like he was standing on a cliff, we wasn't, there was a stair to his right, but he still felt like he was standing on a cliff.

The room was so huge, it reminded him of the big hall back on cybertron. Stairs lead everywhere in the room, up to just under the ceiling and way down under the floor. There were tunnels at every side of the walls, all seemed so dark, but there where a glimt of light in them. In the middle of the room was a small lake, the water pitch black and barely moving at all.

And then he saw it, to the left of the room. Drift, Bee, Hound, Cade and Shane. The humans was standing beside Bee, Hound was smoking a cigar while Drift was screaming at a silver predacon twice his size. Crosshairs got nervus when he noticed Drift's optics being darker then normal, they seem more purple.. no they seemed more red..

Jumping almost half of the stairs Crosshairs ran towards them, mostly Drift. As he reached them Drift had pulled his sword and had it pointing at the predacon's throat, tho the creature never seemed to flichs even a bit

" Drift ! Calm down ! " Crosshairs said as he reached for the mech's servo hosting the sword, Drift turned his head and... snapped...

The sword dropped to the floor and before anyone could do anything he had grabbed Crosshairs guns, pointing them directly at the predacons head. The Samurai's optics bright and glowing red, he was snarling as he hissed out his words.

" You have NO right to keep Me here ! "

The silver predacon just narrowed its eyes and tilt its head to the side, not saying a word. Shortly it shifted its gaze to look at the other bots, no one doing anything to stop the angered mech. When the purple eyes landed on Crosshairs they stopped, clearly the predacon wanted him to do something.

Crosshairs slowly nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat, this could go very wrong...

" Drift... lower tha' guns and give them back ta me.."

The Samurai didn't even turn to look at him, just raised a gun and had it pointing at the paratroopers chest. Pulling the hammer back and placing a digit on the trigger. Crosshairs froze, not daring to move, Drift had a gun pointing at the predacons head and at Crosshairs chest, but while the paratrooper was nervous, the predacon didn't seem more than simply annoyed.

" You have NO right to keep Me here ! I'm held against my will ! You kidnapped me, drugged me and now ! You are keeping me unable to go after my leader, who needs our help. This is against every cybertronian rule and law that was written !"

The silver predacon never said anything only took a deep breath before exhaling.

The ground rumbled suddenly, making the whole place feel like there was a small earthquake. The bots turned their helms towards the middle of the cave, the water had rings in it, from the middle and out.

The predacons that had been moving before had all stopped what they were doing, all looking towards the little lake.

Crosshairs gasped, tho his processor was screaming for him to just run, run like unicron himself was at his rear. Facing one predacon was okay, they could take one or two down as a team, but facing a whole fragging pack when you were four bots...

Forget it ! You were dead, screwed, gone, offline, finished !

The pack was one thing, but this... he should have stayed on cybertron !

A GIANT fragging predacon emerged from the small water hole, the black water dripping off it's enormous body. It was white and more scarred than any living creature Crosshairs had ever seen. The ground shook when it took a step, the air hummed whenever it would breath out a mouthful of hot properly toxic air. Smoke steamed from it's nostril and sparks sprung from the ground when it's blade covered tail brushed over the ground.

Crosshairs took a step backwards and fell when it turned it's head to look at them, he didn't fear many things, but a predacon that size ! Primus himself had too fear it.

It's burning eyes seemed to see right through your deepest and darkest secrets...

And then the unspeakable happened... it shrunk.. it got smaller and smaller, to the point where it was the same size as a regular bot. And then the impossible happened...

It transformed !   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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