Friend of mine

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Nat was laying in her living room on the couch, she had tried to call her brother but he didn't have time to talk, nieter did her Boss have time. And now she couldn't leave the house, not with a alien robot in the basement. So she ended up calling her best friend and now she was waiting for the woman to come over.

And not too long after she heard the front door open and close, seconds later the voice of a woman sounded loud and clear.

" Nat where the hell are you, this house is like a damn maze !" 

" In here " She answered and lifted her head as her friend walked in.

Marina was her name, she was tall and had this long thick red curly hair and red eyeshadow, it made her eyes appear more brown or amber colored, when the really were red, like ruby red.

Marina liked the color red a lot, red and black and maybe gray, and she was a very strics woman, things had to go as planned otherwise she would either make them go as planned or make a totally different plan. Yeah Marina was a total control freak, but a very loyal and treasured friend.

" Nat you called me, why what is wrong ?..."

She stopped when she got a look at her friend laying halfway of the couch in a way only a cat could have done better. Her eyes wide and way to green for her friend to like. Marina signed and crossed her arms.

" Have you forgotten to take your medicine again ?"

" Hmm.. I.. might have..."

Marina left the room and came back with a glass of water and a couple of pills, holding it all out for Nat to take. And with a displeased look and sign she took them. When she was done Marina sat down beside her, crossed her legs and smiled as she leaned back.

" So why did you call ? Sure it couldn't just have been because of the pills "

Nat shook her head,

" No. You know that I sometimes go to this abandoned construction ?"

" Yeah I know, your brother don't like it, just a friendly reminder "

" He is just overprotective. But usually I'm alone out there, but today I wasn't alone out there, someone else was there "

" So ? You scared them away or what ?"

" No, he was hurt so I helped him "

" Oh ?.. Great for you then I guess.."

" I brought him back here, he is in the basement "

Marina froze, before she looked at her friend, eyes wide and worried.

" Wait... you did what ?"

" Brought him back here "

" Nat ! We can't take people back to our houses, you know that ! Why would you bring him with you back, sure he can't have been that good looking "

Nat just stood up and told Marina to follow her, the red haired did, but not without a worried expression on her face.


" He's a fucking transformer Nat ! You can't just take him in like that !"

" He is okay, really. I saw his optics, they are blue so he is an autobot. Those are the good once "

" That is not my problem Nat. My problem is how the Boss and your brother will react about it"

" But Boss doesn't have a problem with the autobots, and my brother is just grumpy about it."

" Boss have a problem with one autobot and she is fine with the others, your brother just hate all of them. Nat you can't keep him here... the humans are looking for them and we don't need more attention..."

Nat just looked from her friend and to the green mech laying sleeping on the floor, he needed help and not only with his wounds... no the transformers was being hunted like wild animals, if he didn't want to be on the run for the rest of his life he would have to either find more autobots or, he would have to take the help Nat and her family could give him.

Marina was standing with her arms crossed and a very skeptical look, Nat didn't want to kick the bot out of the house. She was living alone in this huge house out in no-man-land, her family came and went as they pleased, but they didn't stay like she did. It was her home base so she had to be there, but it got lonely at times.

Suddenly Nat got an ide, if she could get Marina on her side, it would be easier to convince her brother and if he was fine with it, so was their Boss.

" It's really sad that you think that of them... He is wounded and could use some help with his injuries... but I guess, if you don't want him here, there is no reason for you to look at him"

Marina got wide eyes and held up a hand.

" Wait... I get the chance to look at him... if I let him stay and don't tell Boss, is that where this is going ?"

Nat smiled

" It could be yes. You get to fix his wounds and thereby do some of your science stuff and I won't complain about it, as long as you don't tell my brother or the Boss " 

" It's not science ! I'm a doctor not a scientist !" Marina huffed and crossed her arms again.

" Just do your doctor thing then, fix him "

" I want a new ruby and a bag of bacon..."

" Are you urging me to buy your silence? That is low even for you Marine"

" What can I say, bring a girl flowers and you will have her smiling at you. Bring me bacon and I will do surgery on you without making mistakes "

" How reassuring.. I can buy my doctor's work with fat from a pig "

" Bacon "

" Same same..." 

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