More than a jerk

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??? pov

The sound of rattling bones was around me with every beat of my wings, as I flapped my wings to slow down my speed I got a glimpse of the ground below me. Dragons and bots was walking and talking, enjoying their time together. It was fine, I didn't hate the bots, just didn't care about them... a few I could stand and actually liked having them around me. Only because I knew I could trust them and because I knew they won't doute my orders.

The kids and younsters was my promblem on the other hand... I hate children, they can't follow orders, they can't think for themself and they can certainly not defend them self, in other words. They. Are. Useless.

But my alpha said something else or at least convinced me of something else,

these at the moment useless children, would one day become our new soldiers, our future strength. Using our power now to create new offspring and genetically put together the right partner with one's DNA, it would create incredible hybrids and if said hybrids would rightfully be helped and was given the right trainers. That would be our contribution to the future.

I landed on the cave wall, holding myself up mostly by the claws on the tip on my wings, of course when I got ahold of the the wall I could set my clawed feets down, them too held some weight.

I crawled a couple of meters before looking inside a small hideout that was place on the ceiling, basically it was an upside down house or it was a smaller cave inside the big cave. It was my sisters hideout when she had her human form.

She had been in that from for months, personally I wouldn't have kept it that long, cybertronian in my basement or not, I couldn't stand my human form. And yet, I would have to use it in order to get to my sister, at the current moment. Her best friend and my on and off mate- as others like to call it. Had called me saying I Needed  to come and comfort my sister.

I crawled around the house and looked at the front door, upside down. With a huff I jumped off the wall, two wing beats and it lifted me up enough to transform to my human from and land perfectly on the first door step. As I stepped inside, my thoughts went to Marina again.

She was my sisters best friend and I couldn't be more proud of my sister for making the best possible choice with a best friend.

But the whole on and off mate thing... She wasn't my mate and she would never be, even tho she wanted it to happen, I was determined to put an end to my own blood line... and how could I do that if she was my mate.

Tho we are living creatures, and every living thing has its needs for certain things.. tho I could live just fine without intimacy, Marina couldn't no matter how much she tried.

But our powers made us perfect for each other.

Me being one of the strongest males in the pack would provide great powers to a possible child, but I'm still trying to exterminate my own bloodline... this is where Marina is perfect.

Her specific kind of dragon have a power I find just generally impressive.

The ability to decide whether or not they want a cub, if yes everything will go like a normal pregnancy, if no. Then the body will absorb all the energy that is used to create the cub, until it simply is no more.

This fixed everything, no baby, no cub, no problem. Only satisfaction between partners.

And speaking of the devil, here walks a certain red haired dragoness in her human from directly towards me, looking stern and offended as always. 

" What took so long you Damar !"

She looked at me and slightly growled, I just narrowed my eyes and huffed.

Damar ment idiot in the dragons language and she only dared to call me that when something was really wrong.

" With our leader weakened, I run the pack, so believe it or not but I do have other things to do, then check people's health. That however is your job Marina, but since you called me here. What is the problem ?"

" It's Nat... She had a panic attack just after Clint and she didn't take the pills, it caused her to freeze with fear and have a... a form of memory "

That made some of my alarms go off, being in this pack, we all had one thing in comment. We tried our hardest not to remember our past, and the pills we all took helped us forget said past...

Marina put a hand to my arm looking up at me with worried red eyes,

" She remembered T-Bone... She remembered about the scavengers.."

My eyes widen and a very rare feeling took me over, anxiety. It wasn't good when any of us remembered about our past.. and Nat was one of those where I would happily drug her to keep her from remembering her past. If I could and was allowed I would personally wipe her memory, but my alpha said not to wipe others memory, unless absolutely necessary.

" Where is she ? "

"Bathroom... T-Bone she wouldn't take any meds, at all. "

Marina said clearly worried over it, I just pulled my arm to me before walking through the house, towards the bathroom.

Not caring what ever she was doing in the bathroom I burst the door open only to shiver when I heard the sound of running water. Being a dragon linked to the element of fire, I wasn't all too happy about water. I shook the unpleasant feeling off and took a few steps into the room. Quickly finding the shower on and my sister sitting curled up, her knees under her chin and her arms hugging her legs. Her otherwise beautiful green eyes, blood blown and puffy from crying. She looked up at me shortly before she buried her face in her knees, sniffling and sobbing.

She hated crying and I knew it, she hated showing weakness and she hated having flashbacks. And this looked to be a bad one, a seriously bad one.

" Nat..."

I spoke soft, softer than I would to anyone. I wasn't one to speak soft or nice to people if I didn't have a reason. But Nat was my sister and I would and have committed murder more than once for her, and seeing her like this... I was ready to do it again.

" I don't want to remember T-Bone... I don't want to..."

Her voice was broken, she was stuttering and crying, and I felt so sorry for her... And that comes from a man who have a very hard time feeling empathy.

My poor heart broke when she reached her arms up towards me, without a second's hesitation I stepped forward and grabbed her hands. She pulled me to her and I shivered being under the running water before wrapping my arms around her, she hugged me, so tight that it would have left bruises if I hadn't been a dragon.

" You don't have too... never, your past doesn't matter for us here. You are nothing like them and will never be. "

I said hugging her tight and comforting her the best I could, covering and shielding her with my own body.

" You are my sister, you are alpha's best female warrior, you are the packs best navigator. You are so many things that they are not ! "

She looked up at me with sorrow filed eyes, desperate.

" But what if they found out ! What if they are coming for me ?!"

She cried as she looked scared up at me, I took her hands and held them up in front of her, her fingers covered by my own. As I looked her deep in her crystal green eyes.

" If they really found out... If they really are coming for you..."

I paused for a second, I knew my eyes were sparkling up like a bright fire in the night, and as I said the next, I saw hope return to hers.

" If they come for you... I will personally slaughter every single one, that even dares to think about laying a single claw on you "

She wiped a tear away and sniffled, a tiny bit of hope returning to her green eyes.

" will ?"

I cupped her face in my hands and wiped the last tear away from her other eye with my thumb, while I gave her a short but whole hearted smile showing my sharp teeth.

" With no doubt, no mercy... and no hesitation. "

When our ways crossedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora