Decepticon medic

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" Thank you for fixing up the basement Boba, he will appreciate it and so do I "

Nat said as she bagan cook their food, Boba was sitting at a table behind her. He was leaned back and had his arms crossed, he sent a very skeptical look towards the younger female. He knocked on the table to catch her attention and as she looked over her shoulder he started making a series of hand movements, indicating the words.

This is insane Nat...

" It's not, I took him in and helped him when no one else would, how can that be insane ?"

He's an alien robot

" So ? It's not like we're any better ourself "

We Are Not Aliens !

He huffed and slammed a fist on the table, his green eyes almost glowing. Nat just slowly turned to him with a calm look.

" I'm not saying that we are aliens.. but we aren't from this world either. The only way the humans knows about us is from their stories and legends "

There is a different... they are from a different planet and we are from the legends. Big diffrint Nat

Nat didn't say anything as she heard the door open and close, instead smiled as a certain red haired, red eyed woman walked into her kitchen.

" Marina, thank the devil. Please tell your assistant that having a robot refugee in my basement isn't the most insane thing I have done "

Marina looked from Nat to Boba then over to the food that was currently cooking.

" It's not the most insane thing she has done. Now bacon "

" Thank you, see ? " Nat just looked at Boba who was shaking his head at them with a huff, she saw him make a sign meanig


Later the three was sitting and eating happily, or most happily, Marina was very interested in what Boba had been doing. And he had a hard time eating and telling her at the same time, but he tried.

Well... I set up some kind of couch to him, and I have set the tv's up on the same network as the others. Some kind of blanket for him, all the basic needs.

" And you have been alone all day with it ? " Marina asked and took a bite of one of the chicken wings.

I work best alone, you know that...

" Then why work with me ?"

Marina... don't even start. I have explained this to you before, when the work is handyman work I feel best working alone

" Oh sure you do... and so dose every other male in our pack, you guys need to could agree more often "

Male's like us don't agree on the first tail spike hitting the bullseye...

" No country, redneck talking ! We don't understand it anyway "

Marina growled and hit him upside down the neck, making Boba slam a fist to the table and narrowing his eyes at her.

I'm Italian !


" Cross... I have someone for you to meet "

Nat's voice sang as she approached the green corvette, he was still in the garage. They had just said goodbye to Boba, and as soon as his orange pick up was out of sight Nat had turned and walked towards the corvette, Marina not far behind her.

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