Her Brother

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" You bought a new car I see..."

A male's deep and thunderous voice boomed as he walked around in Nat's house, he was looking shortly at things and turning a few things until they had the right ankle. He was an extremely tall man, his hair combed back, giving a wired shine like steel. His eyes was a glowing amber, some would say orange, and even go so far as to say burning. He had a big scar that ran over his left eye, from his eyebrow and down to his cheekbone. He had day-old stubble, the same silver steel color as his hair. He was wearing a black shirt and a white tie, black pants and a belt where the buckle was the top of a dragon skull. He had a snow white coat that went down to his knees. This man was a nightmare walking on earth, and Nat knew him all to well...

But she didn't see him like everyone else did, he was the person she trusted the most. He was her big brother after all.

She was walking behind him looking at the things he turned. Like Marina, he was a complete control freak, but were Marina could take a change in things. He had to make everything picture perfect, and oh did he try, and often he succeeded.

" You bought a corvette ... what happened to the lambo ?" He asked as he was looking at small crystal.

" Oh... yeah the lambo had to be shipped from england, and let's say that he wasn't too happy about it "

" So he's still in england ? " He asked his back still turned to her. Nat just nodded and scratch her neck.

" Yeah.. tho we do have a base in england, so we technically already have people on him " Her brother just hummed and continued his walk through the house.

" How about the Bugatti ?"

" We lost him, he was about to be shipped here, but it turns out it's a triple changer. So a bot, a car, and a helicopter apparently. "

" So he just flew off ?"

" More or less, but Razor is after him, we have eyes on him. "

" Seán... in human form his name is Seán. We have to remember the pack names, both the real once and the cover once "

" Yeah okay sure thing I know. But T-Bone why are you really here ?"

Her brother stopped in his tracks, slowly turning around to look at her, his eyes slightly glowing.

" They know we are around this part of the country... You have to move the whole base, everything. We are setting a new one up already, but I have to move you before anything happens to you. "

Nat got wide eyes, how could they have found her base already ? It was too soon. She looked up at his cold emotionless face, slowly shaking her head.

" No, this is a new base they can't be on my tail this early on, it's too soon T-Bone, it gotta be some kind of cruel joke. "
He barely raised an eyebrow,

" When do I ever make a joke dear sister ?"

" How long time do I have ? "

" Couple of days if you are lucky. 20 hours if your unlucky. I came to warn you sister. Get your things and move, go south and you should meet Victor and the other two of them in a day or so. Please bring them if you meet up with them "

" Yes... I understand. Thank you for the heads up "

" Your welcome, I will be leaving in a day with alpha. I hope to see you there as one of the first.. right.."

" Sure of course, I hope you... "

" Sis ? " She looked at him surprised, but didn't say more.

" Don't bother, we aren't leaving for a happy reason, so don't make it a happy ending "

" No. Sorry, forgive me "

She bowed her head and looked down, until she felt two strong arms around her, a rough hand on the back of her head and a warm chest in front of her. She hugged him close to her, knowing that he didn't like the whole idea of a hug, this was a precious moment. And she enjoyed it. He was warm, and he was a safe haven for her, she knew that whenever he was around, nothing.. Nothing. Was able to even think about hurting her.

" Safe travels sister "

" You too "


??? pov

I glared at the green corvette as I walked out past it, I felt the wired aura from it as soon as I saw it. It was one of them... I couldn't care less if it was autobot or decepticon. I was above them anyway. I knew why my alpha was risking so much in order to protect those of them that deserved it, and I understood why she was angry at both sides. But I don't understand why my own sister would take one in, without telling me or Asking me for the matter !

I huffed as I walked down the road, if that bot put a single digit on her, I would personally rip it's very spark out and eat it infront of them.

No doubt, no mercy... no hesitation..

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