Meeting the others

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" Okay we have some time before we reach the others, would ya mind telling me what da frag was wrong with that George guy !"

Crosshairs blasted through his radio, making Nat cover her ears and whine.

Nat and Victor had come back to Crosshairs being held in a headlock by the very guy they all had asked where was. George was not the tallest man alive but he sure had to be one of the strongest, he was big and rough, muscular, with a full grown beard and dark blue eyes. He didn't really let Crosshairs speak before he had the smaller mech in a very powerful head lock, nearly strangling him.

Nat had rushed to Crosshairs as Victor had pulled the two mechs away from each other, Crosshairs coughing and gasping for air as he landed on all four before putting a hand over his throat.

Let's say that the mech wasn't exactly happy after that, tho when he suddenly got a message from the Prime saying " Calling all autobots " It seemed to lighten his mood just a little. And after a short conversation with Victor, Nat had decided to go with Crosshairs. The mech really not caring on the outside, but cheered his spark out on the inside.

Now they were driving towards four other autobots signals, one being the Prime himself.

Nat signed and leaned back in the driver seat, resting a hand on the steering wheel, making it look like she was the one driving.

" George... is kinda special, but so is Victor and Benjamin... so it really don't matter for me "

" Well it matter ta me ! The fragging guy choked me out !"

" You were a stranger and he was drunk... don't get all bitchy about it "

Nat grunted and looked out the window, watching the landscape fly by, until Crosshairs decide to yell at her, making her jerk out of surprise.

" ME !! Getting Bitchy ! Oh Trust Me Love... I Ain't Being A Bitch Yet "

Nat groaned and glared at the radio short, before looking back at the road, while mumbling.

" Well you might not be acting like a bitch yet, but you are acting like a stray dog "

Crosshairs slammed the brakes and made Nat jerk forward, nearly hitting the steering wheel. As she landed in the seat again she narrowed her eyes at the radio before yelling surprised.

" What the fuck was that about !"

" I'm Not a Fragging Dog !! "

" Well, sorry I offended you ! But I deal with guys like them every fucking day, and TRUST ME... George isn't the worst one ! "

Nat's eyes grew wide as she shut her mouth shot, turning in her seat and grabbing her handbag while looking around for her water.

Finally finding the water bottle she sat back in her seat and fished out the small box with her pills in it. Popping one in her mouth and swallowing it with the water she looked out the window again. There was a tense silence between them for a long amount of time, until Nat broke it.

" Go ahead, ask, you're burning in with questions. I can feel it "

Crosshairs was silence for a moment before talking a lot more calm.

" What are those pills anyway ? Ya get all hazy when ya take them ?"

" There are soothing pills... they work on a little bit of everything "

"... Why are ya taking them ?"

" I would rather not discuss that, some things are best left alone, this is one of them " 

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