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" What... what do ya mean yer not human... "

Crosshairs froze for a moment, before he went back to reality. He looked around, the smoke was clearing, he could see the others call out for him to follow them, he heard sirens getting closer. Finally his optics snapped back to Clint, the man looked more lost than a sparkling alone in a crowed street. Clearly he had blown a fuse or something... Crosshairs scooted closer and reached for the man, but he backed away hissing at him.

" Clint C'mon ! We have ta get outta here !"

" I Know ! But We Have To Fight If Nat And I Are To Get Away ! "

" You are having a melt down buddy, come with us and..

" GET DOWN ! " 

Before Crosshairs noticed what happened, he was pushed to the ground, Nat on his chest with his servos covering her and keeping her safe. Standing over him was a giant and still growing dragon.

" What In Ta Fragging Pits ! Is Going On !? " Crosshairs shouted as he rolled out from under the giant creature, and scrambled to get up, only using one servo to hold his own weight, since he still was covering Nat with his other.

" I'm sorry, but this is my real form. I can't protect anyone in my human form !"

Crosshairs was shocked when Clint's voice was the one leaving the dragons mouth, a moment he stood like he was lost to the world before the green paratrooper suddenly was the one blowing a fuse.

" What In Ta Actuell Fragging Shit Is Going On ! Why Ta Slag Are Ya A Primus Forgive me... Yer A Damn Fragging Predacon !! "

He shouted and grinted his dentas, if it hadn't hurt his spark everytime he wanted to close his servo closer around Nat's still paralyzes body, he would have a clenched fist around the handle of his gun. The predacon Clint stretched out one of the four wings and apparently blocked a missile from hitting Crosshairs, the green mech looked up to look at the same friendly yellow eyes, just bigger and brighter.

" Crosshairs... I'm sorry, I will explain everything, but right now, please just trust me..."

Something tugged at Crosshairs spark, he was angry, no mad.. no he was furious ! He was fighting so many emotions right now, mostly the angry once.. but something... someone was tugging at his spark, asking, no begging him to put his anger aside and trust this predacon Clint. He looked down at the paralyzed femme in his servo and the pulling only got stronger. He knew it was her, he knew... But it was a predacon standing in front of him, could he really trust it enough to put not only his own, but also the others life at risk.

A blade was besidde Crosshairs helm and a servo rested on his shoulder, Drift's voice close to his audioreseptor.

" Back away slowly, sudden movements irritate them. If you are calm and slow it won't attack"

He could hear the pede steps of the others behind him, the shouting of commands to soldiers in front of them, the low humming of Lockdown's ship in the distance, his own slow breathing and... and a tiny female voice in his processor.. or his spark.

" Please... Cross I know it's a lot to ask you, but please trust him "

The tugging got too much for the paratrooper to handle and he growled with a sign, he looked up at the yellow eyes again, it was the same once as the man he meet half an hour ago. Big, yellow, bright and scared, it was Clint.

" Fine... I trust you. But only because she wants me to "

The predacon smiled,

" Thank you "

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