Josh Cromali Haris

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We were in Chicago, the other humans had found an old abandoned church we all could stay in overnight. It was fine, there was a roof over our heads and the bots could stand up right in here, tho one thing was missing or more like a couple of things. Important things, such as food, water and something to keep us warm. So what did we all decide to do you might think ?... Go out and buy said necessities.. no why should we. It's not like I have more than enough money to pay.. no let's go shoplifting instead.

We were split up, Shane and Tessa went with Drift, while Cade was with Bee and I was with Crosshairs. I felt better now after an hour of sleep and one more pill... I soon needed new once, I had been taking alot lately.

Cade had told me the plan, what I needed to get. Food and water most of all, or he had said food and I had said water. Crosshairs and I had pulled up to a random mall, I had just closed the door and told him to behave while I was gone when his holoform appeared out of nothing. He had a smirk on his lips and his hand in the pocket of his trench coat.

" I wanna go with ya.."

" If you can keep a low profile then okay, but seriously low profile Cross "

He smile and held up his hands,

" Low profile, ah got ya "

(In the mall)

" You know Cross, you need to have a human name "

" What why ?"

" Because no human is born with the name Cross, it would be fine if you were a criminal on the run, changing your name every second week. But you're not so... what would you like to be called in that form ?"

" I don't know... I like mah name "

Nat was thinking more about a name to Crosshairs holoform than what she really needed to get,

Rob ?... no ... Nathan ? ... uh how about Jouhca !... wait no, that was the name of the man owing KSI, and with all they were about to do, that wouldn't be the best idea..

" Uh I got it !" Nat suddenly burst out snapping her fingers and catching the bright eyed mans attention. Currently he was standing with a chocolate bar in his hand, eyes wide at her sudden outburst.

" Ya got what ?"

" Josh !" She said with a smile, so bright that Crosshairs for a moment thought it was the wrong girl he was looking at.

" Josh ? " He repeated a bit confused and raised an eyebrow.

Nat just walked over to him grabbing the one of his dog tags that weren't stamped something on yet.

" Yeah Josh, that's gonna be your human name from now on. Josh Cromali Haris. What do you say, don't you think it's gonna look good on this ?" She asked and held up the blank piece of metal in front of him.

Crosshairs was at a loss of words, her green eyes, they were... so bright, so sparkling. He could see the whole night sky in them, and every single sparkling star. He could feel his spark beat faster, he could feel how his processor was screaming at him not to do this. But he had been ignoring it for so long now, it didn't matter anyway.

" I... I .." He started but couldn't finish, and immediately that gorgeous smile of hers fated just the tiniest bit, not much but he noticed it and almost panicked.

" I see, you don't like it.. then come up with something yourself, big mech "

With wide eyes he grabbed her wrist to the hand holding his dog tags, panicking on the inside, he knew he had to say something, and he had to say it now !

" I... love it. And yer right, it's gonna fit just fine on these "

He got the words out without stuttering to much, and folded his hand over hers, making her hold the piece of metal inside her fist as he brought her hand to his lips leaving a feather light kiss on her fingers. He was looking at her the whole time, never breaking eye contact.

Nat never said a word and neither did she return his gesture, it made him sad a moment, but he then realized, she didn't deny it either, that made his hope flame up again. As he slowly lowered their hands, but he didn't let go of it. He braided their finger together and looked at the floor before slowly looking back up at her.

" Well let's go and get some water... we will need that just as much as food "

She finally said something, tho not what he had hoped she would say, Crosshairs used his other hand to scratch the back of his neck.

"Yeah... water " He felt something pull his arm, and when he looked... Nat was still holding his hand and pulling at it for him to continue walking around with her. She looked at him with those bright green eyes that he had to admit he adored.

" Are you coming ? " She asked raising an eyebrow.

" Yeah... yeah, I'm coming love " 

When our ways crossedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon