Welcome or Farewell?

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"What could possibly go wrong" words Aaron would soon regret.

Bunny Hill,an otherwise small town,was only known for its rabbit season. Hundreds of rabbits of all if not many kinds of their species, flooding the area all spring; a beautiful sight that made the town a tourist attraction.

But it wasn't spring.

It was winter. The only time of year absolutely no one would want to be there; not even the rabbits that inhabited the town every spring. The snow storms would only become so horribly violent.

It had been a long day. 8 hours, on an icy road no less, was more than unpleasant for anybody.

But finally,they were there. There was snow all around,giving the abandoned lodge in front of them,a more dead look then it already did. The wooden walls of the lodge were swollen from years and years of the snow melting into the wood every spring. Whatever was left of the windows was chilled by the ever so ice-cold wind. A lodge should be a comforting sight,but something about this one could fill just about anyone with dread.

"Finally," Aaron said "We're here" he stretched his arms over his head and yawned. Tired from such a long car ride,the built male wanted nothing more than to rest, but he had work to do.

"IRENE I think my legs are dead" Garroth stated as he fell to the snowy ground.

"Someone carry me to the lodge" his muffled voice could be heard from the snow.

"Nah. Just die there if you really want" Lucinda responded.

"I'll carry you" Aaron said picking up the taller blonde.

"oh hey thanks-" Aaron dropped him into the snow face first.

His cry filled with the pain of betrayal was barely audible from the snow,but it could be heard.

Everyone was taking a moment to stretch. An 8 hour car ride can make your body pretty stiff.

"Garroth,could you get up and help me unload the luggage?" Aaron asked,motioning towards the trunk of the car.

"Okay!" Garroth responded,getting up from the snow, his face as blue as it could possibly be.

"Gosh, Garroth" Kim said. "How could you even keep your head in the snow so long? It's freezing!"

"If you love snow like I do,your love for snow and the freezing snow sorta cancel each other out" Garroth said rather plainly. Too plainly perhaps.

They unloaded their things and headed towards the lodge. Aaron unlocked the door with the key given to him by his father.

They open the door to a dusty, dark, and rather creepy lodge. It was hard to believe this was a place where families and people once laughed in and enjoyed. The lodge had only three floors, a garage, a library and an attic. The whole lobby was filled cobwebs and broken furniture. Paintings on the wall were dull,grey and torn. There were staircases leading to the second floor, beneath them lied the doors to the library, aside the library were two hallways filled with maintenance rooms. To the left, there was the receptionist counter and a diner that doubled as a gift shop, the faded sign on the wall read "The Emerald Avenue".

"The....Emerald Avenue?" Kim read aloud, eyes squinted.

"Didn't they declare bankruptcy almost 10 years ago?" Aaron wondered.

"I think? I dunno"

To the right of the room, there was a huge waiting room with twenty couches to rest on when you have just come after hours of driving or on a flight. Last but not least, a fireplace in the very middle of the lobby, serving its place as the centerpiece of the room.

"Huh, why is so much of the furniture broken? The place has been untouched for so long..." Aaron remarked.

"Teenagers, Animals, the harsh weather, thieves, I could go on..." Kim said.

"Yeesh this place is a mess! What twenty years untouched can do to a place..." Lucinda said in surprise.

"How'd a place like this even close down?" Aaron asked. "Wasn't it the place to go to if you were gonna stay in this town?

"Maybe there was a rivaling lodge that ran the place out of business?" Kim said.

"No," Garroth said."The town's too small for there to be any other lodge that could possibly rival this one. This was the only lodge they had, or ever will have. At least of this stature. The only real reason for a place like this to close down is if foot traffic slowed down enough, but according to reports that's not the case. As many people still come here as they did twenty years ago,and twenty years before that. So it's really a mystery why this place shut down" the blonde stated.

"How the hell do you know that much about this place?" Lucinda asked in shock.

"My parents run a real estate business, remember? Before we left I found some of my father's files of the lodge and-"

"We can talk more after we turn on the lights Garroth, it's getting creepier in here by the second!" Kim cut Garroth off.

"Oh, right."Aaron said.

The raven-haired male pulled a piece of paper from his pocket,opened it and began to read it's contents out loud.

"Aaron, in the area where the lodge is there is no data,nor is there internet. We didn't say anything before because we didn't think you'd go if you knew-"

"No internet?!" the brunette yelled.

"That's bullshit!" red-headed witch said in agreement.

"Guys calm down! We can just get a guy to install it here later" Aaron said. He continued to read-

-"In order to restore the power you must turn on the boiler. It's located in the garage."

"To the garage then!" the freckled brunette shouted in glee, adjusting her glasses. She hated the dark. Nothing would make her happier than to get the lights on.

The gang walked into the garage and found the boiler. Inside the garage was even colder than the inside of the lodge. There was also a ton of boxes and crates in the garage, most likely filled with oil, gas, tools, so on and so forth. Aside from that the garage was pretty empty;most likely due to the fact that a lot of things were sold or stolen after the lodge closed down. Garroth went right to the boiler as soon as he saw it.

"Alright! Let's turn this baby on and get on with our day!" the blonde said.

"Garroth wait don't you think we should maybe-"

"BOOM" Aaron was cut off by the boilers explosion.

//Heyo! Sorry if this page was a bit short but the pages get longer I promise! Anyways thank you to anyone and everyone reading and supporting this fanfiction of mine :D This is my first time writing seriously so any and all criticism is appreciated. Btw there is no Ultima plot in this rewrite.//

The Secrets Of The BunnyHill Lodge (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now