The Unseen Catacombs

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"So what are today's plans?" Zane asked.
"Well today is going to be a little bit different, today we're all going to look through the library." Aaron elaborated.
"The library? Why?" Aphmau asked, tilting her head.
"Because they're ended up being a LOT more books than I thought there was going to be, besides we're almost done with the rooms anyway and Garroth and Kim are going to need a lot more help." Aaron explained.
"Yeah you wouldn't BELIEVE the amount of books there is! They pretty much left the library untouched when they closed this place down." Kim stated in an excited manner.
"It's...pretty grand..." Garroth added.
"Enough chit-chat, let's get this over with because it sounds like we're going to be here for a loooong while." Lucinda said, proceeding to open the doors to the library.

The inside of the library wasn't much different since Zane had last seen it, except for the fact that there were various stacks of books of different sizes on many of the tables.

"Holy crap this is a huge library!" Aphmau commented in awe.
"Ireeeene this going to take forever to clean..." Lucinda groaned.
"Well hey, on the bright side this place isn't anywhere near as filthy as the rest of the lodge." Aaron assured Lucinda.
"Next time we go on some kind of vacation I'M picking the place." Lucinda stated, somewhat grumpy.
"You chose to come!" Aaron reminded her.
"At least my idea of a vacation isn't cleaning up a run down lodge!"
"Guys, guys! Come on we have a library to clean!" Zane scolded them.
"Yeah, yeah!" Lucinda rolled her eyes.

Aaron and Lucinda took down books from the bookshelves, and Aphmau would take the books from them and make piles so that Kim and Zane could evaluate the books. Garroth would sweep all of the paper on the floor and see what was trash and what was just torn book pages.

"What the hell does a library need so many copies of "Shakespeare Classics" for?" Zane remarked, throwing the book into a trash pile.
"I dunno, people who want to read and get bored halfway through the first page because they can't really read it?" Kim wondered.
"Probably." Zane said, as he set aside another book.
"Man, some of these books are real hidden treasures but half of their pages are missing or torn!" Kim complained.
"How did they even end up like this anyway?"
"Robbers? Asshole people? Racoons? Bees?"
"I mean probabl-wait did you just say bee-"
"AHHH!" Aphmau shrieked, cutting Zane off.
"What's wrong?!" Aaron asked, alarmed at Aphmau's scream.
"This gross looking spider crawled out of the book and onto on my arm!" Aphmau explained, shaking herself off.
"Really Aphmau? You had us all think you like, died, over a spider?" Lucinda remarked, glaring at Aphmau.
"They're scary!" Aphmau said, trying to justify herself.
"Aph!" Lucinda scolded.
"Seriously..?" Kim muttered.
"C'mon guys cut Aphmau some slack, bugs can be icky and creepy." Garroth defended, from across the room.
"No they're not, you guys are just 'fraidy cats." Aaron claimed.
"They are creepy! I remember seeing this huge, horrible spider, and I killed it with a broom, like this-"
"Wait Garroth nO-"
"HYAAH!" Garroth yelled, slamming the broom against one of the bookcases, causing it to fall.

The bookcase fell over and hit the end of the room wall.

"Garroth!" Aaron scolded.
"Sorry!" Garroth apologized nervously.

But before anyone else could say anything, the wall the bookcase has hit began to open. It creaked and it cracked until it revealed the entrance to what appeared to be a cave system.

"Woah what the hell?" Aaron said in awe.
"A cave? So this is where it was...." Garroth stated in confusion.
"You knew there was a cave around here and didn't say anything?!" Lucinda snapped at Garroth.
"Er, um, I mean- I didn't know the lodge was literally built on it!" Garroth defended himself.
"Pretty stupid place to build a lodge on." Lucinda remarked.
"Maybe it's a mine?" Kim thought aloud in wonder.
"Why don't we check it out? Until we can find a way to close this back up this'll be free to explore!" Kim asked, gazing upon the cave system.
"I don't know, what if one of us get hurt? We don't know how stable the cave is." Lucinda thought aloud in concern.
"I'm sure if it were really unstable it would have collapsed by now, we just gotta watch our step!" Kim explained, walking a bit into the cave.
"Hmm...." Aaron uttered.
"Pleeeaaaasssse?" Kim begged, turning to Aaron.
"Fine, we'll check it out for a minute or so."
"Hmm...." Lucinda uttered to herself.

Everyone entered the cave and looked around, the cave hadn't been excavated by man, the paths seemed natural. There were stalagmites littered throughout the cave, and a lot of rocks of different sizes and colors lying in piles around the floor.

"This is so cool! It's not everyday you get to walk into a cave like this!" Kim said in excitement, curious about everything around her.
"I wonder why they would build a lodge over a cave like this, couldn't they have just started a mine from here? Or maybe just put a block over it if you want to keep morons from getting hurt." Zane commented, thinking about the peculiarity of the cave.
"Well, there isn't really any other land in BunnyHill to actually build a lodge like this." Garroth stated.
"Just sounds like poor design to me, no wonder this place closed down. With the kind of people who managed the construction of this lodge, I don't imagine the management of the lodge itself was any better." Aaron added.
"Hey look!" Lucinda shouted, pointing at an intersection in the cave.
"Woah, four different pathways?" Aphmau pointed out.
"Cool! I wonder where the all lead to!" Kim said in excitement.
"I can tell you where they lead to: nowhere land. We have to go back to the inside of the lodge now." Lucinda insisted.
"Awwww why?" Kim whined.

"This place is probably dangerous! Last thing we need is one of falling off a cliff or something! Besides we have work to do remember?" Lucinda claimed.

"But at this rate we'll be done before Garte gets here anyway! Can we just go through one of the pathways...?" Kim asked in a sad tone, lip trembling, and giving Lucinda the biggest googly eyes Kim could possibly muster.
"No Kim! And that's final!" Lucinda snapped.
"Okay..." Kim muttered, disappointed she couldn't go through.
"Alright everyone let's get out of here!" Lucinda announced.

Everyone retraced their steps and returned to the library. They resumed work as usual.

"Hey Kim...!" Garroth whisper-shouted, walking by Kim and tugging her slightly.
"Huh? What is it Garroth...?" Kim replied, still a bit bummed out.
"Look at this cool rock I found before we left the cave." Garroth whispered.

It was a gemstone rough, a sparkling red gem with patches of the rock it once grew in.

"It's so pretty..!" Kim whispered shouted.
"You can have it! As a little souvenir from the cave."
"Aw thanks Garroth!"

Kim felt a bit better now, having an interesting rock to keep.

While everyone was about their business, Aaron talked to Lucinda.

"Hey Lucinda...?" Aaron asked, grabbing a book and passing it down.
"Yeah?" She responded, keeping her focus on the bookshelf.
"I don't wanna pry, but why'd you get so snappy with Kim back in the cave? It's not really like you to snap like that."
"Ehh..I didn't mean to be so rude to Kim, that cave it just..gave me a lot of bad vibes." Lucinda admitted.
"Same here, but it is just a cave."
"I know but, it wasn't just me being afraid someone was going to get hurt, it was like...a menacing energy? Something restless and without peace..."
"Hmm.. well you are a witch after all, you can sense certain things that us humans can't, so I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.
"I still feel bad for yelling at Kim though, I'll apologize to her when our work here is done for the day."
"That's good, I wouldn't want there to be drama between anyone during our stay here, because we're all going to be here a while and it's already enough me and Aph have problems."
"Yup. That's the last thing we need of all things right now."

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