The Point Of No Return

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It was mid-day, the gang was going about their day cleaning the lodge. Nothing out of the ordinary. Not yet anyway.

"Half this place needs to be cleaned and the other half needs to be replaced." Lucinda commented in disgust, dusting a nightstand.
"Yeah well, my dad is made of money so I don't think he's going to care too much about that." Aaron replied, throwing a rag aside.
"So how many rooms have we got down?" Kim asked.
"Twenty-seven." Aaron answered..
"......And how many do we have left?"
"Ughhhhh." Lucinda groaned, hitting her head against the wall.
"Hey, look on the brightside, at least we're more than halfway done with the second floor." Kim stated happily.
"Still, I'm tired."
"Let's finish the three rooms and then we'll take a break alright?" Aaron suggested.
"Alright.." Lucinda muttered, continuing her work.

Once they finished cleaning the other three rooms Aaron, Lucinda and Kim headed back to the waiting room. Garroth was fast asleep.

"Oop, looks like Garroth fell asleep again. I'll go and wake him up." Kim said, heading towards Garroth.
"Garroth? Garroooth?" Kim whispered, gently rocking his head. "Wake up!"
"Gah!" Garroth slightly screamed in surprise. "You scared me! I was-wait, did I fall asleep again?"
"Darnit! I just wanted to sit down for a little bit..."
"Just do what I've been telling you for the past two days and rest!"
"No! I'm not even tired anyway! I don't wanna lay around doing nothing while all of you guys do all of the work." Garroth explained, as he was in fact, tired.
"Are you forgetting I went to medical school? I know for a fact that anyone who has suffered an injury like yours, isn't not tired after only two days. You're just faking!" Kim scolded Garroth.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"GUYS! Settle down!" Lucinda shouted.
"Sorry." Kim and Garroth mumbled in unison.
"Garroth, just do what Kim says and rest please? As energetic as your trying to be, on occasion you lose your composure and I can see that you're exhausted." Aaron insisted in worried tone.
"I'm not-I just-I..." Garroth sighed, sinking deeper into his chair. "....I guess...I'm a little bit tired."
"Just rest okay?" Aaron asked calmly.
"Okay..." Garroth pouted.
"Anyways," Kim announced, grabbing a box from one of the suitcases. "Who wants a granola bar?"
"Hey that reminds me, weren't we supposed to go to the little liquor store or something?" Lucinda questioned.
"Yeah that's right, but first I need to fix the car. Let me go and-"
"Hey! A car just came up to the driveway!" Kim claimed, pointing out the half-broken window.
"Huh? Let me see." Aaron said, walking towards the window. "Wait a minute, thats-"
"IT'S FREEZING OUT HERE!" a jet-black haired woman said, stepping out of the car.
"Sure it's chilly but-"
"Aphmau?" Aaron mumbled, stepping out of the lodge.
'Oh, Aaron-uh, hi!" Aphmau shouted, shivering from the cold.
"Hey Aaron." Zane greeted him casually.
"Hey Zane. Do you guys, uh, mind me asking what you guys are doing here?" Aaron asked, bewildered by their sudden appearance.
"Oh, well you see, Zane really misses Garroth. So much that I opted to come here with him so he wouldn't feel embarrassed!" Aphmau answered confidently.
"I don't miss Garroth!"
"Yeah you do you just don't want to admit it!" Aphmau teased, crossing her arms.
"Whatever." Zane grumbled, rolling his eyes.
"Ah, I see." Aaron muttered awkwardly.
"B-But um," Aphmau stuttered, struggling to get her words together. "We're only going to spend the night! We'll be in and out of here before you know it! We would've called but none of you guys were picking up your phones so...."
"Oh yeah I forgot about that little issue of ours. Well come on in before you guys die of frostbite or something." Aaron stated happily, walking Aphmau and Zane into the lodge.
"Hey guys, guess who's here!" Aaron announced cheerfully.
"Aphmau?!" Kim and Lucinda shouted in unison.
"ZANE?!" Garroth shouted in surprise.
"Oh no-" Zane groaned.
"Little brother!" Garroth shouted, as he sprung from his recliner and gave Zane a big hug.
"What are you guys doing here?" Lucinda asked in curiosity.
"Long story short, Zane misses Garroth, so I came with him so he wouldn't feel embarrassed." Aphmau explained rather abruptly.
"Is that true? You missed me little brother?"
"Agh no I don't! I was glad you were gone Aphmau just dragged me here! Now let go of me you idiot!" Zane shouted in annoyance, pushing Garroth away.
"Don't worry Garroth. He did miss you he just doesn't want to admit it." Aphmau assured confidentially.
"How long are you guys going to be here?" Kim questioned.
"We're just going to spend the night." Aphmau answered.
"Ah, okay."
"Well now that we've gotten introductions out of the way, there is just one thing I want to know." Aphmau continued.
"Where's the bathroom?" Aaron assumed.
"No, well actually, that too. But what I want to ask is, why is Garroth wearing a sling over his left arm?"
"Oh. Right. I uh, broke my shoulder." Garroth answered nervously.
"What?! How did you break your shoulder?" Aphmau asked in shock.
"Well you see-"
"Probably doing something stupid, not that he isn't always doing something idiotic." Zane scoffed.
"Well, I mean..." Lucinda muttered, looking down.
"See? Case closed." Zane said.
"Well um," Garroth coughed, changing the subject. "All of that aside. Aaron, weren't you going to go fix the car just now?"
"Oh yeah, right." Aaron remembered.
"Wait, what happened to the car?" Aphmau asked.
"It broke down somehow. I'm sure it's nothing I can't fix."
"Well actually, could we maybe use Zane's car to go to the liquor store while she's here? We don't know how long our car will be out of commision and we're almost out of granola bars.." Lucinda suggested, gesturing to Zane's car outside.
"You guys sure can!" Aphmau announced, grabbing the keys from Zane.. "C'mon everybody hop in the car!"
"Hey!" Zane uttered.
"Well, might as well go while we can." Aaron said.
"Alright then." Lucinda joined.
"Kim, Garroth, you stay here and keep watch on the lodge alright?" Aaron ordered.
"Okay!" They answered in unison.
"Alright. Let's go everybody!" Lucinda shouted, proceeding to exit the lodge.

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