To and Fro

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The sun set as the day was coming to a close. The gang, of course, wouldn't even know if the sun was setting or not; as the snow and clouds had near blocked any sunlight that could possibly reach them.

"God, I'm so tired." Lucinda sighed in exhaustion, wiping the sweat of her forehead. "Can we stop for the day?"
"But we have only gotten just the lobby done today, the lobby." Aaron emphasized, gesturing to the whole room.
"Yeah, but we also had to find Kim, panicked because we thought Garroth dropped dead, and for the most part, it's just been you and me cleaning the lobby because Garroth is out of commision and Kim has been stuck between actually cleaning the lobby and scolding Garroth for trying to help clean the lobby."
"Well...I guess you do have a point..."
"Fine, let's just finish dusting the stairs and we'll call it a day."
"Works for me."

Aaron and Lucinda finished cleaning the stairs and walked down to the lobbys waiting room and fell right onto the couches. They were exhausted after the day they had. Garroth and Kim on the other hand, we're arguing, much to Aaron's and Lucinda's annoyance.

"Garroth you're going to strain your shoulder and it'll take way longer to heal if you keep pushing yourself!" Kim scolded, adjusting Garroth's sling.
"Aghhh but I hate doing nothing all day..." Garroth whined. Garroth wasn't the type of person that enjoyed laying in bed all day. As a matter of fact Garroth couldn't stand having nothing to do; even if chores were the only things there was to do.
"Well find something to do that WON'T hurt you." Kim lectured.
"But there isn't anything to do! This place is like a desolate wasteland."
"Listen, I heard this place had a library of sorts, maybe we could check it out."
"Yeah but we have to clean up the library first before we can actually check out the books."
"Ughhh Why couldn't this place have service? Had I known I would've told Sasha; now she's probably worried.." Garroth sighed.
"Don't worry okay? I'm sure she'll be fine." Kim reassured the gloomy blonde.
"C'mon Garroth, let's just rest for a while, it's been a long day." Aaron stated..
"Yeah, I'd say we deserved it." Lucinda added, grabbing a pillow and placing it over her face.
"Okay...." Garroth mumbled, as he rested his head back on the recliner he was sitting on.
"Well, while you guys rest," Kim announced, as she got off the couch. "I'm going to walk around the lodge for a while okay?"
"Be careful." Aaron replied half asleep.

Kim walked up one of the stairs and to the second floor.

They all sat down in the waiting room in silence, contemplating all that happened today, resting their eyes. Everyone was exhausted. About an hour and a half passed and Kim hadn't come back.

"Hey should one of us go get Kim? It's been an hour and she still isn't here..." Garroth worried, looking to the floor above them.
"I'm sure she'll be fine." The redheaded woman insisted, her voice muffled through the pillow she buried her face in.
"I don't know Lucinda, after what happened this morning...what do you think Aaron?" Garroth muttered, looking to his friend, however, Aaron had already fallen asleep.
"Uh, Aaron? You awake?" Garroth asked, getting up and poking Aaron's arm. "I guess not... well I'm going to go find Kim, alright Lucinda?"

Lucinda had fallen asleep as well.

"Oh, well, I guess you guys didn't really have a choice in the matter huh."

Garroth proceeded to walk to the stairs, gripping the railing tighter than he usually would, his injury made him feel slightly off balance on the stairs. Once he made it up the stairs he started to look through the left wing for Kim.

The hallway was littered with rooms. All of the doors were scratched and dented, a few were even broken, the lights that hung on the wall would strobe every now and again, it was a miracle they even worked after all of these years. The wallpaper was faded and falling off and half the carpet had been scratched, stained, and dirty with mud and dust.

The Secrets Of The BunnyHill Lodge (CANCELED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ