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"Garroth!" They all screamed in unison.

They desperately tried to clear the smoke around them with their hands.

"Shit..." Garroth coughed, brushing off the ash and rubble that almost covered his entire body.

"Garroth?" Aaron asked. "Are you okay?!"

"I think so..."

"What do you mean you "think so" A BOILER JUST EXPLODED RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!" Lucinda yelled.

" I don't think so..." Garroth said.

"C'mon, let's get you back inside." Kim worried, using her sweater to clear the ash off of her glasses.

They carried their injured friend back inside into the lobby. All of the lights had turned on despite the explosion.

"Let's set you down right here." Aaron said, lying the heavily injured Garroth down on the torn-up red couch.

"Urgh..." Garroth muttered.

"Should we take him to the hospital? He should be gravely injured, but he doesn't even have a lot of burns on his body for being right in front of a gas explosion. He should be dying right now. If anything we should all be injured in one way or another." Kim wondered aloud.

"I don't know why that is, but nonetheless we should still take him to the hospital. I'll go start the car." Aaron said.

Aaron walked out to start the car while Lucinda and Kim got ready to take Garroth and leave. As Aaron turned the keys to start the car it began to make a loud whirring sound.

"What the hell?" He said, turning the key multiple times.

The car wouldn't start.

"For crying out-the car was working just fine when we made the trip! What the hell happened to it?"

Since he couldn't turn on the car, he did the next best thing and grabbed the first aid kit from the glove compartment instead. On his way back to the lodge he saw a shadow move from the corner of his eye, when he turned around to see what it was, there appeared to be nothing there.

"Must've been my imagination..." He thought to himself.

Aaron walked back into the lodge, Lucinda and Kim were almost ready to leave.

"Is the car ready?" Lucinda asked.

"Not exactly, we have a bit problem..." Aaron said, running his hands through his hair.

"Oh no..." Lucinda groaned

"The car won't start."

"You have got to be kidding me! What are we supposed to do now?" Lucinda said.

"I don't know, I mean...wait a minute, Kim, didn't you study to become a doctor?" Maybe you could tend to Garroth's wounds." Aaron asked.

"Yep! I don't think I'll be able to do too much without the proper tools but I can try. Do we have a first aid kit by any chance?" Kim said.

"Yeah, I took it from the car while I was outside. I figured if we couldn't take him to the hospital we could have at least tried to tend to him ourselves." Aaron said, handing the first aid kit to Kim.

"Thanks Aaron," Kim said, opening up the first aid kit and set up everything for herself. "Okay Garroth, just try to rest...actually it might be best for you to not fall asleep right now. I need to be sure you can stay conscious." Kim said.

"...alright..." he muttered, struggling to keep his eyes open. The only thing keeping Garroth conscious aside from Kim was the stinging pain from his injuries.

The Secrets Of The BunnyHill Lodge (CANCELED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon