A Poor Choice

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After the talk Lucinda and Kim had yesterday, Kim though she'd pay Aphmau a little visit as well.

Aaron, Zane and Aphmau were all in the lobby playing UNO, as Zane had forgotten he had packed a deck of UNO cards with himself.

"The UNO company themselves said that you can't stack draw-4s!" Aphmau argued, mulling over all the cards she had in her hand.
"Oh so now you're bringing that up, not when I was the one getting stacked on?" Zane commented.
"Sorry Aphmau, we play by the street rules here." Aaron claimed, although he wasn't smirking you could tell through his voice he practically was.
"Hmph, it's not fair I tells ya!" Aphmau whined.
"Hey Aphmau can I-oh, are you guys busy?" Kim accidentally interrupted.
"We're just busy watching Aph get her butt kicked in UNO." Zane joked.
"It's not funny!" Aphmau fumed.
"Do you wanna join me, Zane and Aphmau for a game?" Aaron offered Kim.
"Ah, no thank you. I actually came here because I was looking for Aphmau." Kim explained.
"What do ya need?" Aphmau asked.
"I wanted to talk to you about... something." Kim muttered.
"Can't you tell me right now?" Aphmau said, putting down a card.
"No, I need to talk to you in private." Kim insisted.
"Okay, okay, just let me finish this game and I'll meet you in your room, 'kay?" Aphmau suggested.
"Sure." Kim accepted, leaving the lobby and back to her room.

After quite a bit of time, Aphmau finally came up to Kim's room.

"That was a long game of UNO." Kim commented.
"I'm....very bad at the game." Aphmau admitted sheepishly.
"Yeah I can tell." Kim added.
"Anyways, what'd ya wanna talk to me about?" Aphmau asked.
"I...erm..did you ever..." Kim mumbled nervously.
"Huh? What was that?" Aphmau asked again, leaning closer to Kim.
"C'mon Kim just get to the point." Kim thought to herself. "Aphmau did....did you ever actually talk to Zane, or did you just lie to me?" Kim confronted Aphmau sharply.

Aphmau nervously avoided eye contact and fiddled with her hair, trying to mutter up something to say.

"I...I didn't lie to you Kim, I did talk to Zane." Aphmau explained.
"You did?" Kim implored.
"Yes." Aphmau confirmed.
"So why the heck is he still bad mouthing Garroth?!" Kim raised her voice.
"Listen it's not that simple, he...has a lot of family issues."
"What, did Garroth do something to him when they were younger or something?" Kim questioned.
"No not at all! He just-it's just complicated okay! It's family stuff between them and I really don't think it's my place to tell you exactly what."
"So what! I have family issues, a lot of people have family issues. Big deal. Didn't give me the right to treat the people who didn't do anything wrong like crap."
"No it's-argh you wouldn't understand!"
"I understand that apparently Garroth covered for him when you guys disbanded the jury! You know I always wondered why I never saw Garroth during his senior year."
"I-how do you know about that?!" Aphmau asked in shock.
"Lucinda told me about it." Kim answered, lowering her voice.
"What else do you know about it...?" Aphmau questioned.
"Not a lot, just that and then some." Kim explained.
"Hm I see...."
"I'm sure that after doing something like that, now that Zane is all "nice" or whatever, that they should have a good relationship by now? Garroth sure as hell loves Zane so why does Zane still treat him like crap despite everything?"
"L...Listen Kim I'm going to be real with you, but you better not let Zane get word of this!" Aphmau whisper-shouted.
"You have my word." Kim promised.
"I know that Zane is full of it, Garroth definitely isn't blameless in the situation, the guy still has plenty of flaws, but Zane is taking things way out of proportion." Aphmau elaborated.
"So why don't you tell him that?" Kim asked in confusion.
"Because he'll just think I'm siding with Garroth and make this whole fiasco out of it! I don't want to deal with that, especially trapped in some run down lodge with four of my friends and my ex and no connection to the outside world!" Aphmau claimed in frustration, sitting on the bed. "Besides...he's on the right track right now, he still needs a lot of work albeit, but he's a way better person than he was a year ago...and I don't want to mess that up..."
"I understand what you're saying Aphmau, but sometimes the only way to improve is by taking criticism instead of what you want to hear." Kim sighed.
"Yeah...I guess you're right..." Aphmau admitted.
"Listen, you can just deal with the Zane situation later, it's bad enough already with having to be trapped in a place with the ex you promised to stay away from for a while, the Zane thing can wait. Garroth's been dealing with him for years, what's a couple more days?" Kim suggested, sitting beside Aphmau. "I'm sorry for not being more understanding earlier, I was so irritated at Zane that I didn't take a moment to consider how you were doing with everything that's happened."
"It's all right Kim, I understand why you got upset. I promise I'll really face Zane about it, just...not right now okay?" Aphmau promised.
"Thanks Aph." Kim muttered.
"It's not a problem Kim.." Aphmau said, giving Kim a light smile.
"Anyways, I'll let you go now. You probably wanna play some more with Aaron and Zane right now." Kim said, getting up and opening the door for Aphmau.
"Wanna join us?" Aphmau offered.
"Oh, erm, I don't know. You guys looked like you were having fun all together and I wouldn't want to disturb you guys." Kim rejected the offer nervously.
"Aw c'mon! You're always welcome to a game of UNO!" Aphmau insisted.
"Well...okay, maybe just one game." Kim gave in.
"Great! C'mon let's ask Lucinda is she wants to play!" Aphmau dragged Kim out of the room.
"Ah but she's asleep! She's been taking a lot of naps to make up for the lack of sleep.
"Aw well that's too bad, oh well!" Aphmau sighed.
"At least it's one less person to watch you get your butt kicked at UNO." Kim joked, trying not to giggle.

"Hey!" Aphmau laughed, walking back to the lobby with Kim.


It was late at night. Kim, Aaron, Aphmau, and Zane had already gone to bed. Lucinda on the other hand, had just woken up.

"Urgh....what time is it?" Lucinda groaned, looking at her surroundings. It was pretty dark inside her room. "How long was I asleep?" Lucinda was still slightly disoriented from waking up. She picked up her phone and looked at the time. "Ten thirty? Damn, looks like I won't be falling asleep for a while" she sighed. She slipped on her purple fuzzy bunny slippers(the most iconic slippers) and stood up."Guess I'll walk around for a bit as long as I'm up."

Lucinda walked out of her room and stretched her arms, she was awake but her body still felt tired. She froze as she passed up the rooms. "That static feeling again! Eugh that feeling is stronger than ever right now..." Lucinda thought to herself. She continued to walk down the hall despite her discomfort. She made it downstairs and looked around. "Man I'm still feeling that damn static! I didn't feel it down here before but now I do...and even during the day..." She stood in the middle of the lobby, deep in thought. Was the static just a feeling? Or was it...a presence? Lucinda would have come to her conclusion but-

Lucinda heard shuffling through the bushes a thick snow, but not just any shuffling, it almost sounded as if someone was outside.

"What the hell?" Lucinda muttered, switching her attention to the outside window. "Hold on Lucinda, think logically, it's probably just a wolf outside or-" Lucinda then heard a grunt.
"Dammit." A voice outside uttered, shuffling not so quietly.

Lucinda instantly shifted into action, she summoned her wand in hand and bust open the door outside.

"Who's out there!" Lucinda shouted, keeping her wand close by.

There was no answer.

"I'm not going to ask twice, if you don't reveal yourself now, I'll blast this whole perimeter!" She yelled, prepping a spell with her wand.

Still, no answer.

"Alright, have it your way." Lucinda then casted a blasting spell, it blasted a wave of magic around the entire lodge.

Although there was nothing to be heard from the mysterious voice.

"Hm, whoever it was must've run off before I could blast them. What a coward and a creep. Worst of both worlds." Lucinda muttered to herself, walking back inside, locking the doors tightly. "But for extra precaution, let's play with magic shall we?" She then guarded the lodge with a small protection spell, it would last them the night to say the least. "Well, I've got the heebie-jeebies now, so I guess I'll head back to my room, don't want to get spooked by another asshat in the woods." She walked back upstairs and into her room, where she sat on her bed quietly, trying her best to fall asleep again.

"That was close." The cloaked figure said under his breath, running through the snow ridden woods. He stopped by a tree, trying to catch his breath. "Too close....I have to be more careful next time. Things are aligning with each other....if anything time is running out." The man stopped panting and looked up to the ever so bright moon. "I have to keep going forward. I can't stop now. Not when I'm so close to achieving what I...have worked so hard for all these years...."

//Howdy y'all! The story is going to be on hold for while, PAGE 23 is going to have a LOT of artwork, unfortunately I've been having some tablet and computer issues so it's going to take a while T-T. But hey better late than never! In the meantime I'm going to make a book of oneshots this monday! Mostly featuring my au's, maybe a few shippy or platonic ones here and there, and even a few comdey ones. So stay tuned! ;3//

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