Zane And The Old, Dingy Elevator

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Stuck in an old and broken down elevator is the last situation anyone would want to be in.

It could fall down any second, or you could starve! Not that anybody would notice the stench of rotting corpse inside an elevator to a half-destroyed, run-down lodge. A situation like that would make anyone think about their life and all of the choices they've made, or make them think of a way to get out. Zane would be latter, because Zane saw no point about choices he didn't regret or the type of life he had when he was younger.

"Fuck, this cannot be happening!" Zane shouted, scared about being stuck in an old, busted elevator, and angry with himself for being so stupid to actually walk into a old, busted elevator. "No I do NOT die like this! Not today! I've just got to find a way out of this damn thing..."

Zane looked around the elevator and looked for anything he could maybe crawl of.

"Well...there is that hatch on the ceiling, but if I go out I would expose myself to some falling hazards, and with the state this lodge is in I could imagine a lot would be breaking or falling off. Hmm.....maybe...maybe I could try to press one of the buttons? It's worth a shot."

Zane reluctantly pressed the button to the second floor, once he did, he heard some gears moving and metal whirring.

"Yes! Oh please work-"

Then it stopped again.


Zane began to shriek, call for help, anything that might let him be heard by someone, anyone.


"Does anybody hear faint screaming? Or is that just me?" Kim said aloud, turning her head towards the second floor in concern.
"Like, human screaming or...?" Aphmau replied, slouched on the couch, looking up from her phone."
"I-what else could possibly be screaming?" Kim asked, directing her attention towards Aphmau.
"Foxes? Or maybe bees?"
"I don't think they have foxes here Aph-wait did you say bee-"
"What's this about foxes?" Lucinda said, walking into the waiting room with a bowl of cereal in her hands.
"Kim thinks there's foxes inside the lodge."
"What? No I don't, I said I thought i heard faint-"
"Kim that's ridiculous why would you think there's foxes inside the lodge. There isn't even any foxes living in BunnyHill."
"No I didn't think there was any foxes inside the lodge, or BunnyHill for that matter!"
"But Aphmau said-"
"I just said I thought I heard faint screaming okay!" Kim slightly raised her voice in frustration. "Ah sorry! I didn't mean to yell...."
"But you didn't yell you just slightly raised your voice-"
"You're good Kim, you just got a little frustrated because we weren't listening to you is all." Lucinda assured, patting Kim's shoulder in a reassuring way.
"She didn't even yell though...." Aphmau muttered.
"But uh, what's that about faint screaming?" Lucinda asked, concerned that Kim might be losing it. She did attempt to attack Aaron the other day and has been acting odd lately too.
"Oh yeah, I could've sworn I was hearing someone screaming earlier, but the screaming has seemed to have stopped now." Kim explained, wondering what the sound might have been and who or what it came from.
"I see....Aphmau could you um, leave the room for a sec? I wanna talk to Kim in private..."
"Can't you guys go somewhere else? I'm too comfy on this couch...."
"Aphmau." Lucinda glared at Aphmau.
"Okay, okay..." Aphmau pouted, getting up and walking away to the kitchen. "But as soon as you two are done I'm coming back to that couch and I'm not getting off!"
"Deal!" Lucinda shouted to her, in a playful and teasing way.

Once Aphmau was out of sight, Lucinda sat Kim down.

"Kim, I'm going to ask you this again and this time you are NOT changing the subject." Lucinda said sternly.
" something wrong? You've been acting....strange, lately..."
"Come on, Kim, you can tell me. I promise not to tell anyone if you're worried about that."
"I just....." Kim didn't know how to answer the question. On one hand, she didn't want to worry her friends over any possible medical issues, especially in the situation they're in. On the other hand, she might still be worrying her friends by not saying anything at all. "I.....I've just been really stressed a-and scared the entire time we've been here y-y'know? Being so far from home and stuck here in the freezing cold with no way to get back home...not for the next two weeks anyway..." Kim stuttered, looking down, fiddling with her fingers.
"I understand, but don't worry, okay? You're not alone, all of us are still here. Me, Garroth, Aaron, Zane, and Aphmau." Lucinda assured, putting her arm around Kim and bringing her closer.
"I know it's just....what if we somehow get seperated?" Kim said, looking away from Lucinda.
"Kim, we're in the middle of nowhere! What could possibly happen to seperate us? You're just thinking too much."
"I don't know, maybe....I don't're right, I'm just overthinking this aren't I?"
"It's okay to be scared Kim, just try not to let it get the best of you, alright?"
"A-alright, I just....I don't know I have a bad feeling about this place, I feel like it's really...really dangerous, like we should leave....."

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