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The gang had finished their work cleaning the lodge in under two weeks. An impressive feet.

"Wow, we finished cleaning the lodge with about seven days to spare!" Kim stated in cheer.
"A good job to everyone, it's been very difficult these past weeks with no internet, no data, and a limited food supply, but we made it." Aaron congratulated the others.
"Hell yeah we did." Lucinda added.
"I know me and Zane weren't part of the original crew, but how about we have a tiny celebration party?! I think we've all earned it!" Aphmau recommended, trying to hype up everyone else. "It wouldn't be much but hey a party is a party."
"I'd totally be down for that!" Lucinda agreed in excitement.
"Heck yeah!" Kim shouted in delight.
"Sounds like a good idea." Garroth replied.
""Sounds like a good idea" C'mon Garroth you gotta be givin' me more hype than that! You're the ultimate party man don't fizzle out on me now!" Aphmau begged, in a light hearted manner.
"Haha sorry! I guess I'm just a bit tired from the everything..."
"Well, normally I would decline, buuuut this whole lodge has been a pain to deal with so sure, why not?" Aaron accepted, and nodded in agreement.
"Yay!" Aphmau cheered. "I'm gonna get started on seeing what we can make!" She said as she rushed down the stairs.
"Be careful Aph! You don't want to fall down the stairs!" Zane shouted, running after her.
"I better go make sure neither of them fall down the stairs..." Aaron half-joked, following the two.
"Now I have to make sure Aaron doesn't fall down the stairs. All of them together are like a pack of dominos." Lucinda joked, following Aaron.
"Well I guess I'll be on stand by in case anyone gets hurt, what're you gonna do Garroth?" Kim asked, looking to Garroth.
"I dunno, I'm kinda tired today..." Garroth mumbled, looking to the floor.
"Maybe you can rest for a bit in the lobby, y'know so we all can be together! Besides you being up in your room all day probably isn't good for you. I would know, I'm a doctor." Dr.Kim insisted.
"Why? We've been stuck here together for nearly two weeks, so what if I want some alone time?!" Garroth snapped at Kim.
"O-Oh, s-sorry I didn't mean to make you upset..." Kim stuttered, caught off guard by Garroth's reaction.
"N-No you didn't...you didn't offend me I'm just... getting kinda cranky I guess, I'm sorry for snapping at you like that." Garroth said sheepishly, running his hand through his hair.
"Ah it's fine, this lodge has been...an experience, to say the least." Kim assured Garroth.
"Yeaaaah..." Garroth sighed in agreement. "I'll be down with you guys in a sec, okay?"
"Okay!" Kim said, as she spoke a loud thump was heard followed by a crowd of screams. "Aaand there they go..." Kim muttered, as she ran out of the room. "Lucinda not you too!" She could be heard shouting.

Time had passed and Aphmau and Aaron we're almost done with the party snacks. Meanwhile Kim, Garroth, Lucinda, and Zane hung out in the waiting room, talking about the most important questions in life.

"So that's why we have anime now." Kim stated, adjusting her glasses.
"Interesting." Lucinda mumbled in surprise.
"Yeah it's a pretty weird history, goes to show the butterfly effect theory in motion though." Kim replied.
"Why exactly do you know this crap anyways?" Zane asked.
"I watch a lot of anime and got curious." Kim explained.
"I suppose that explains the gudetama phone charm you have." Lucinda stated.
"Oh actually no, I've been playing with tamagotchis for a long time and the gudetama one is recent! So far I really like him." Kim elaborated.
"Cool! I had a tamagotchi once, it died after four days and I never played it again." Lucinda laughed.
"Oh boy you must've been sad."
"Yeah kinda..." Lucinda smiled, she looked to Garroth, who was laying on one of the couches, reading his book. "Hey Garroth did you ever have a tamagotchi?" Lucinda asked him.
"Mhm." Garroth uttered, not paying attention to the question.
"Hey I'm talking to you!"
"Hmm....hey Garroth, have you ever killed somebody?"
"YOU KILLED SOMEONE?!" Lucinda shouted, in fake surprise.
"Wait-what?!" Garroth responded shocked, Lucinda having finally gotten his attention.
"Ha! That's what you get for reading that book all day when you could be talking with us!" Lucinda giggled.
"Oh sorry!" Garroth apologized, embarrassed.
"Geez Garroth I know I always have my nose in the books, but you've been reading that book almost nonstop, take a break!" Kim commented.
"But I want to read, this book is very um, very interesting..." Garroth insisted nervously.
"Heh, "Read", just because there's a bunch of pictures in a book doesn't count as reading Garroth." Zane rolled his eyes.
"Right. I forget that. Perhaps I should coin a new term for people who read only pictures because words don't exist in every day life." Garroth muttered, keeping his attention to his book.
"Um...anyway! C'mon Garroth just put the book away so we can all chat some more!" Kim insisted, tugging on the book slightly.
"No! I mean-no, I'll put it down in a second." Garroth explained, pulling the book away.
"Where did you get that book anyway? It looks...kinda strange." Lucinda asked, curious at the books strange design.
"I found it when me and Kim were cleaning the library." Garroth stated blatantly.
"What kind of book is it?" Lucinda asked.
"Um it's just...it's an old one." Garroth mumbled, somewhat nervous.
"Garroth you know what I meant." Lucinda questioned.
"I'm not really familiar with genre terms for literature." Garroth explained.
"Hm. I see." Lucinda eyed the book suspiciously. It looked strange, and something about it didn't sit well with Lucinda, but she couldn't figure out why. "Come to think of it, that's the same book I saw you with a while ago." Lucinda thought to herself.
"So anyways I'm just gonna put this away now so you guys stop bothering me!" Garroth announced, closing the book and getting up from the couch. "I'll be right back."
"Yay! Now we can all really get to talking with each other." Kim cheered.
"Yeah," Lucinda nodded, as Garroth went up the stairs. "Sure."
"Guys the party snacks are ready!" Aphmau cheerfully announced.
"It's about time!" Zane commented.
"Garroth better hurry up for this or else he's gonna miss all the good stuff." Kim remarked.

The gang has circled together in the kitchen, where the chatted and laughed for hours, discussing important matters of course.

"So that's what would happen if you shot a potato into lava." Aaron explained.
"Wow, amazing!" Aphmau commented in awe.
"Okay but why exactly do you know that?" Zane asked, somewhat confused.
"None of your business." Aaron replied.
"Man, I can't believe in just seven more days we'll get to leave this place." Kim reminded.
"Yup, and we'll all finally be back in the comfort of our homes..." Lucinda added.
"I, for one, won't miss this place." Zane remarked.
"Me neither, this place looks nice but geez the whole experience has been awful. I rate it one star." Lucinda agreed.
"I don't think I'll miss this place, though something about it makes me wanna stay." Garroth muttered.
"Why's that?" Kim asked.
"I dunno." Garroth shrugged. "It's just how I feel I guess."
"It's going to be weird seeing my dad again." Zane commented. "I usually only ever see him during Christmas."
"How come? I always visit my mom." Aphmau asked.
"He's always busy. Besides I don't care too much for traveling, if you hadn't noticed." Zane explained.
"I can relate to that." Aaron said.
"What's Garte like anyway?" Lucinda asked, curious.
"I forget your the only one here who hasn't met him, even Kim met him." Aphmau remarked.
"To be fair Kim only met him because she was with us when we accepted this lodge job." Garroth reminded.
"Ah, right." Aphmau nodded.
"Garte is alright. The times I've met him he doesn't seem half bad, though he's usually very busy even in his free time." Aaron elaborated.
"Yeah my dad is great! I don't know how he made time for me and my brothers." Garroth added.
"Tt. Yeah." Zane uttered, sinking into his chair.
"I hate to be the one to say it, but it's getting late. We should all be getting to bed." Kim suggested.
"Ah yeah probably, not that I've been able to get any sleep these past few nights." Lucinda mumbled.
"Maybe today will be the day you get some rest then!" Aphmau added.
"I hope so..." Lucinda grumbled.
"Alright then. Goodnight guys!" Garroth announced, slightly rushing out of the kitchen and to his room.
"Goodnight everybody." Aaron stated, walking out of the kitchen.
"C'mon guys, let's get going." Lucinda said, as she, Aphmau, Kim, and Zane walked out of the kitchen and into their rooms.


"The time is drawing near." A figure we can all recognize, muttered to himself.

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