Sorrows of the Past

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The snowfall had become increasingly worse this day, almost as if an omen, warning those the ill fate that approaches.

Almost everyone was inside the kitchen, Kim had prepared what was barely a lunch for everyone, they were just scraping on whatever was left of the food they had.

"Garte better come soon. We barely have enough food left for the next three days..." Kim worried, staring down at her plate of...some kind of horrid amalgam of whatever they had left.
"We'll be fine Kim, even if we have to go a couple of days without eating we won't die." Aaron assured her, hesitantly eating what was on his plate.
"Still, it's kinda scary. What if Garte is late? Or what if he doesn't come at all?!" Kim panicked, assuming the worst was her specialty.
"He won't be late, and he will come, try to stay in high spirits Kim. We're all going to be okay alright?" Aaron insisted.
"I guess..." Kim muttered, picking at her food.
"Besides Kim, I have my magic, if Garte is a no-show I can just teleport us all back home!" Lucinda reassured her friend.
"Wait, if you can do that, why don't you just teleport us to the liquor store or something?" Kim questioned.
"Because I didn't set a checkpoint there, only because I didn't think I needed to at the time..." Lucinda replied, regretting having not done so.
"A checkpoint?" Aphmau asked, tilting her head in confusion.
"When you use a teleportation spell you have to use checkpoints. You can set them just about anywhere in the world. If you don't have a checkpoint in your desired location, when you try to teleport to said location you could end up anywhere in the world, no matter how close the place is to you. You also can't bring non-enchanted or non-magic items with you when you teleport, if you try to they teleport somewhere else. Trust me if teleportation was as easy as saying "I wish I could be there." then I would have just teleported all of us to BunnyHill instead of suffering that six hour long car ride." Lucinda explained.
"Wow, I didn't think teleportation was so complicated." Aaron commented.
"Do you have any checkpoints set Lucinda?" Aphmau asked.
"The only checkpoints I have set are my house, my previous apartments, my mom's house, my dad's house, and my college dorm room and our old high school." Lucinda elaborated.
"Why do you have checkpoints set in your old college and Phoenix Drop high?" Zane asked, puzzled.
"How do you think I always got to school on time?" Lucinda replied, eating some of her food and almost seeming to regret it. "Irene I'm tired of this liquor store crap."
"Well it's all we have. So hush." Kim retorted, looking around the table. "Where the heck is Garroth? This is the fourth day he doesn't come to eat!"
"I mean rationing wise, it's not exactly a bad thing." Zane commented.
"I don't care! I'm calling him down here right now to eat something!" Kim got out of her chair and left the kitchen, making her way to Garroth's room.

Kim came to the door, at first she gave it a few light knocks.

"Garroth, come down for lunch!" She shouted through the door. She pressed her ear to the door to better hear any response.

But there was no response.

"Dammit Garroth!" Kim shouted, knocking turned into banging on the door. "You've practically barricaded yourself in that room for the past four days! Come out now! I'm not going to ask you again!"

Although she was yet again met with no answer, she heard shuffling in the room. She stood at the door and waited a few moments until the door finally opened.

"You didn't have to freak out like that..." Garroth muttered, bumping into Kim on his way out of his room, book in hand.
"I have every right to freak out! You haven't come down to eat anything for the past four days, or come out at all! You look horrible, your hair is a mess, you've got bags under your eyes, and you've become almost as pale as I am! And unlike me, it isn't your natural complexion!" Kim lectured Garroth, following him down the stairs.
"Gee, thanks." Garroth replied sarcastically, heading towards the kitchen. "Do you have anything else you want to whine to me about before I go?"
"I-excuse me?" Kim stuttered in shock. Garroth has never spoken like that to anyone before, at least as long as she's known him.
"I'll take that as a no." Garroth said, walking into the kitchen.
"Hey Garroth what's up!" Aphmau shouted to him from the table.

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